Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Palm Ender's.. Inaugral post

Welcome everyone to this e mail based blog, affectionately know as ''PALM ENDERS'', which will include gossip and news from the self proclaimed 8th wonder of the world.

It will be based on real events, from around the palm, and Dubai but the identities of those involved will be given pseudonym's to protect the innocent, or the down right guilty, and the aliases will be known only by me, but will be much fun for you guys and gals trying to establish who might be who.....

At times, i hope this will make you laugh, and others will surely make you cry, but lets have some fun, and ladies and gents, please e mails me details of scandal, lies, deceipt, love, acts of courage, of cowardice, or anything you feel others will enjoy reading......(names, building names, job titles.....etc etc )

Right, here we go.... get your reporters hats on, and camera's and lets see if we can create something great here.... obviously, to the privilaged few, my identity will be known, but for this too work its essential my identity remains annonymous, and i must have poetic and creative license to deliver this unedited, uncensored version of events.......

If you sign up, then you agreee to be bound by the above terms....

A little taster to start proceedings.Heard on the grapevine, that a certain date at the recently opened Nobu in Atlantis did not exactly go to plan...Mr Rolex watch was struggling to come to terms with the fact that it was a dry night(what a faux pas on the 1st night), and 34ff was not impressed with level of small talk which was the result of no bubbles to take the edge off, coupled with a vastly overpriced bill and the hilarious fact that old mr rolex could not use a pair of chopsticks for toffee, and ended up stabbing his sushi with the sharp sticks as not to go hungry.... hence, 34ff has pulled a david copperfield and disappeared from the radar.. Oh well mr rolex, a women will let you down regularly, but your collection of watches will forever be a faitthfull companion....

here ends this inaugral palm enders introduction.....

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