Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's time for a change.


This life we experience, this movie, this pantomime, with its ever changing cast of players going about their lives, utilising these space suit we have inherited to experience a certain level of consciousness for a certain level of time, completely unaware of a deeper belonging that transcends time and space, and how we are all interconnected at a source, which for now, a minority can only comprehend.For now!!. But as a spiritual awareness sweeps in a new age, more will become aware and adapt until it becomes a reality and this awakening will become the majority as a whole new age will be ushered in and no longer will humanity be divided, ruled and conquered by the the few for the few.This is a world I envisage, and convinced will materialise before the director yells cut on my own mortal coil.

The rest of this blog is dedicated to the readers who have not gone back to their other web browser pages which are open, to continue Face Book chatting, Yeoville cyber living, and all others who are scratching their beautified, well groomed exteriors whilst stating, '' What the fuck is he talking about''.So, to those 75% who I have lost at this juncture, Have a wonderful day,the nail bars and hair salons should be open very soon. To the remaining 25%, enjoy.

Ti's the 12/12/2010

Cycling today on a very cold December morning I observed a random amount of strangers going about their days, and their eyes, faces and bodies told a thousand stories which I found fascinating.

The solitary man with a beard you could lose a badger in, whose eyes, whilst staring at the floor as he walked, told a story, a story which had no beginning, nor end, but was full of detail. The examination of his life, the failing of a present relationship perhaps, with an all to familiar pattern emerging, and the reflection of relationships past and where and how they disintegrated, and why he hadn't try harder to remedy the cracks in the foundations of something special which deserved a far greater effort. The blank staring into the distance, as he looked up, glazed and watery from the cold, without focus,giving an insight into his life, a look of remorse, or loss. Maybe this guy was the happiest guy on this planet, and I read him all wrong,maybe not. To you, man with beard, I salute you as you gave me my first profound thoughts of the day all within a few seconds as I passed you.

To the couple carrying vast swathes of Xmas gifts back to the car as I passed them on the cycle track, for their two young children who were playing in the path of bikes coming and going, totally oblivious to the parents, who had a look of disdain that bikes were cycling around or anywhere near them and their two little darlings, regardless that it was indeed designed for cyclists to enjoy. But a very real look of contentment that come Xmas day, their children will be no social pariahs, as they are lavished with a plethora of must have gifts which would put a serious dent in Tanzania's debt and more importantly, make them the envy of nursery schools up and down the land. I even salute you with your insular, material behaviour which would do the most partisan American proud..

To the overweight couple in matching Lycra shorts which should have been outlawed years ago, sweating and panting and heaving their way up a mild gradient in sub zero temperatures, knowing that this piece of exercise will afford them the luxury of another whole Xmas pudding, guilt free, and maybe, they just might get that sixpence as well. To you my fat,fashion faux pas Lycra wearing,,super size everything Dunkin Doughnut loving bouncy castles.
I salute you also, and I hope the new years resolution to get in shape really materialises for you and you go from procrastinating to acting!!!!..

To the two athletes pounding the pavements whilst chatting and laughing together,enjoying the pleasure that derives from a healthy body and mind. Laughter really is the best medicine, and the look of contentment in their eyes also spoke volumes about these two characters and how they conduct their lives. Expensive trainers, thermal running gear,expensive watches monitoring the times, calories burnt and data which will grade their progress. These two were disciples of discipline, good time keepers i would wager, and witty banter abound. Cupboards full of protein powders and vitamins. Minoxidil for starving off male pattern baldness, and suits hung nicely in rows, still fresh from the dry cleaners and I had to wonder.Do they treat their partners as well as themselves. To you, I salute you also ,as you gave me much food for thought.

I may come across as arrogant to presume I knew what these people were thinking, but this is not my intention. Only to share what I thought as I passed this eclectic bunch of individuals in a blink of an eye and to highlight the amount of data our brains digest in split seconds and the movies we create from them. Now, on to my last observation.

To the policy and agenda makers, Government officials, and the shadowy hand that controls them all, like a macabre Punch and Judy show, whose decision making costs millions of innocent lives, and plunges humanity into a debt trap which will never dissipate and will be left as a legacy to bear by the next generation of children, who are totally unaware of what is to come. The greedy bankers and their controllers getting richer as the polarity between the haves and the have nots widens by the second. To you all, without an ounce of compassion, love, empathy or care for your fellow man, you get no salute, only a dire warning as your own space suit which is rapidly crumbling leaves your soul exposed, exposed to a life of torment, anguish, despair and suffering, as the rule of Karma cannot be side stepped or fooled. For this blink of an eye material gain, there will be so much pain to endure, so enjoy this final curtain call, millennia of coming back as wasps, dung beetles, and your worst fucking nightmare, one of the enslaved poor eagerly awaits you. The universal energy matrix has a wicked sense of humour, and the meek, enlightened, and genuine will be laughing long and hard for centuries to come as the shift of consciousness makes any hierarchical structured society a thing of the past. Elitism has no part to play in our evolvement and future, and will be consigned to the museum of evolution, along with that other antiquated, archaic institution, the divine right to rule through bloodline. That's right. Royal families, and other parasitic free loaders. This in a modern world is just incredible, but the fabric of their foundations are unravelling, stitch by stitch, at break neck speed and we could well see Royalty collapse in our lifetimes which for me would me fucking marvellous. So ''Viva la revolucĂ­on'', we are living in a rapidly changing, evolutionary world which has had enough of greedy mankind as it is. We don't need Fascism, Communism, Marxism, Dictatorships or any other Ism's. In the words of the great John Lennon....


Because love will indeed set us free, and will unite us all, so smile, its our time to shine, as empathy, care and compassion replaces greed, selfishness and the need to covert and control.