Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Palm enders..... Dubai's Dream

Tis Wednesday, 17Th of December 2008,

A warm welcome to my readers. Have been thinking today about this blog, and have decided not to commit to writing everyday, but when the mood takes me, or when/if something of substance crops up, and i feel the cast of palm enders would enjoy reading it.....

Don't want to become predictable,much prefer enigmatic, so that's what I'll be.... Although with whats going on the world, i could cut loose with a vitriolic diatribe aimed at the Illuminati controlled western governments.... But i feel, far too deep and far reaching for a blog spot, but if anyone on the list is interested in finding out how deep this rabbit hole goes, and how these manipulated events have unfolded,to the mess we face now, then let me know, and i will re think my decision.....

TODAY'S OBSERVATION ON THE PALM.... Dubai wants to be regarded as a major player on the world stage competing with the likes of Tokyo,London, New york, Singapore etc etc etc....

But has not a fucking clue how to service such a requirement..

Lets take our beloved Palm island, which is meant for all intent and purposes to be THE... most prestigious development in Dubai, and a worldwide recognition, and guess what, we can even see if from space....

Wow, i hear you scream...,who gives a monkeys ring piece, when if looking through a telescope from the moon, one would see a whole bunch of Filipino's picking there nose and eating it, or our other delicacy, the wonderful Asian community spitting and scratching there arseholes and smelling it....

I kid you not, as i have been privy to both examples just given....

Any extra terrestial entity watching us,from space of course must be thinking, 4000 years ago the pyramids were built with advanced thinking and intellect, as was machu pichu and the nazcar lines and other superior structures , But now in 2008,and the beloved palm has been built, and worse than that, serviced by a bunch of fucking morons
There vision is indeed applaudable, but alas, absolutely clueless when it comes to fixing a running tap, and overflow, or even a arranging a made to arrive at a normal time, Or , arrive at all...

And on top of this a wonderful service is provided and organised by the Palm , and this is. Drum roll please.....

Beautiful Call center' facility's where your complaint will be re routed via Karachi, through Mumbai, to an upstairs shwarma house in Satwa, Where the first question one is ask'd is, would you like garlic on that....and the second is ''Do you have a car, and can i quote you happy sir''.... No you fucking cant..... Fix my Air conditioning unit, its hotter than the devils areshole in my bedroom, and thats pretty warm....but to no avail, they send along 3 Asian fella's, none of which speak English, but all shake there heads whenever you ask them a question, which is confusing, as this means yes in Swahili, and nodding means NO..
Go figure.

The owners, for this luxury, at the 8th wonder of the world are now asked to pay upwards of 50,000 aed yearly service charge,,... The.. world has gone nuts....i kid you not...

may the palm be with you


  1. I'm reading your blog at last. Wonderfully entertaining, congrats. Be sure to get in touch next time you're back in Oxford, Sophie x

  2. Sophie... lovely to hear from you.. Enjoy them, so many to choose from.. x


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