Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The greatest story ever told..

And no, its not Goldilocks and the 3 bears, nor Rapunzel, nor snow white, although there is a direct correlation between the above mentioned fairy tales, and this grand daddy of them all( as they Can all be considered one of the same, fictitious work of man)

Nope, the greatest bullshit story ever told, and it makes mince meat out of our folklore favourites and that is RELIGION, in all its disguises, be it Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Catholicism ,yadda, yadda ,yadda...you name it, i'll discredit it!!

Greetings, T'is the 29th of December 2009, and on my return from a wintry break, and once again celebrating this most pagan of rituals, and zero to do with the death and consequent resurrection of some fella with an impressive beard and an unnatural ability to withstand pain,

thats right, the Christmas story.., Now, i have nothing against Xmas holidays, and enjoy the getting together of family and friends, but i do despise everything about what it apparently stands for,.

Its Bull shit of the highest degree and when it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion, and hence why i will now give an example of why its total nonsense.

Religion easily has the monopoly on the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time,

But and its an important BUT,He loves you. He loves you!!! , and above all He needs your money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, BUT somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit, excuse the pun..Get the fuck outta here..

At this point I want you to know something, and this is sincere, I want you to know, when it comes to believing in God, I really tried. I really, really tried. I tried to believe that there is a God, who created each of us in His own image and likeness, loves us very much, and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize, something is seriously fucked up here.

War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed. Results like these do not belong on the résumé of a Supreme Being. This is the kind of shit you'd expect from an office temp with a bad attitude. And just between you and me, in any decently-run universe, this guy would've been out on his all-powerful fat ass a long time ago. And by the way, I say "this guy", because I firmly believe, looking at these results, that if there is a God, it has to be a man.

No woman could or would ever fuck things up like this. So, if there is a God, I think most reasonable people might agree that he's at least incompetent, and maybe, just maybe, doesn't give a shit. Not giving a shit, from a supposed all knowing omnipotent super being I'm afraid is a luxury he/she/it cannot display, or harbour as a personality trait.. No SIREEEE, you just can't, ok!!!

So rather than be just another mindless religious robot, mindlessly and aimlessly and blindly believing that all of this is in the hands of some spooky incompetent father figure who doesn't give a shit I immediately, thought of the sun.

Happened like that. Overnight, I became a sun-worshipper. Well, not overnight, you can't see the sun at night. But first thing the next morning, as it woke me up from my view across the palm island as i had forgot to drop the blinds from another tequila induced full moon party at Atlantis, I became a sun-worshipper.

Several reasons. First of all, I can see the sun, okay? Unlike some other gods I could mention, I can actually see the sun. I'm big on that. If I can see something, I don't know, it kind of helps the credibility along, you know. So everyday I can see the sun, as it gives me everything I need; heat, light, food, flowers in the park, reflections on the ocean, an occasional skin cancer, but hey, If ''THE'' god can allow the daily genocide of many thousands of individuals, who were just unfortunate to be born in the wrong geographical domain, then hey, My god, the sun, can inflict the occasional melanoma, Right???. At least there are no crucifixions, and we're not setting people on fire simply because they don't agree with us.

And the sun, never tells me I'm unworthy. She never tells me I'm a bad person who needs to be saved.

She does not indoctrinate me into believeing I was born a sinner and must attone for my worldy sins until the day i pass over from this mortal coil, from which i will be sent down into the fiery crutch of satans arse hole where i will be defecated on 3 times a day for an indefinite time frame before i will be allowed to take my rightful place alond side my 99 virgins promised to me... Are you fucking kidding me, There are not 99 virgins over the age of 15 left on this fucking planet, Where does the bearded fella find these treasures??.... NO, She Hasn't said an unkind word, and treats me just fine. So, I worship the sun, the Goddess Sun. You will have clearly noticed i have refered to the sun as being feminine, well, If God is Male, and makes the knda mistakes which just cannot go unnoticed, then The sun must be a female for all the good she provides..And you dare to call me a misogynist. Shame on some of you, i love women like you cant imagine, Well, im sure you do actually, but in a platonic, all things equal kinda way, and appreciate the calm and serenity they can bring, i say can,as they can also wreak havoc on the heart and soul whenn it suits them as well, but i'll save that for another Blog.... You know its coming!!!!!

I've often thought people treat God rather rudely, anyway? Asking trillions and trillions of prayers every day. Asking and pleading and begging for favors. Do this, gimme that, I need a new car, I want a better job, i wish my husband had a bigger cock, i wish the gardener would notice me stood in the window as i bend over with crutchless pants on, and guess what, most of this praying takes place on Sunday , and that as any good god fearing worshipper knows is his day off, and thats not nice... Give the old fella a rest..Breaking his balls all fucking day long, even on the most holy of days..

The truth is this anyway, if you are a believer, then you Remember that? The Divine Plan. Long time ago, God made a Divine Plan. Gave it a lot of thought, decided it was a good plan, put it into practice. And for billions and billions of years, the Divine Plan has been doing just fine. Now, you come along, and pray for something. Well suppose the thing you want isn't in God's Divine Plan? What do you want Him to do? Change His plan? Just for you? Doesn't it seem a little arrogant? It's a Divine Plan. What's the use of being God if every run-down shmuck with a two-dollar prayerbook can come along and fuck up Your Plans.

And here's something else, another problem you might have: Suppose your prayers aren't answered. What do you say? "Well, it's God's will." "Thy Will Be Done." Fine, but if it's God's will, and He's going to do what He wants to anyway, why the fuck bother praying in the first place? Seems like a big waste of time to me! Couldn't you just skip the praying part and go right to His Will? It's all very confusing...

And on the days you feel your prayers are being answered, great, but what about the next day when he's decided to lay on his favourite cloud, with his ipod blasting out Jay- z & Alicia Keys singing Empire of the state.. What then?, so at best its a 50-50 sucess rate, which ranks him along side a 4 leaf clover, a horseshoe, the wishing well, a witch doctor/Shamen, the mojo man, a voodoo lady who tells you your fortune by squeezing a goats testicles..its all the same, so sit back, make a wish and enjoy yourself..

And for those of you who look to The Bible for moral lessons and literary qualities, I might suggest a couple of other stories for you. You might want to look at the Three Little Pigs, that's a good one. Has a nice happy ending, I'm sure you'll like that. Then there's Little Red Riding Hood, although it does have that X-rated part where the Big Bad Wolf actually eats the grandmother. And finally, I've always drawn a great deal of moral comfort from Humpty Dumpty. The part I like the best? "All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again." That's because there is no Humpty Dumpty, and there is no God. None, not one, no God, never was, well not the type that religion have you believing.. We are certainly linked by a higher force which i call the energy matrix, which resides deep inside all of us, but dont go fearing this, as its only pure joy and love, and nothing malevolent which will punsih you by removing your limbs for not praying 5 times a day...That i promise you...

Foot note.... Ok, some of you e mailed me asking why i have been writing so much of late, and here's the truth..When i am having emotional issues, i tend to write and submerge myself in creating these little blogs, and its been a particlularly trying time of late, which continues, but hey, at least you get to read my thoughts... So a dilemma for you. Would you rather i am devoid of stress and emotional trauma and you get a very occasional blog, or are you enjoying the multiple entries of late, which puts you in the camp of'' fuck your state of mind Tomas, we want blogs and plenty of them''..

George, you were a true genius..R.I.P

An emotional JT666 SIGNING OFF...


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just a quick one today on beloved Dubai.

As the Worlds press continue to stick the knife into our beloved Dubai, well depending on what type of role you have to play here of course, will depend on how affected, upset you may, or not be.

Of course, if you are one of the many 100's of thousands of menial workers, who get paid dog shit instead of a decent wage, you will be quietly smug, whilst tucking into your slave labour gruel, a la Oliver Twist, as long of course you are actually receiving your packet of dog shit which affords you your sub human existence, in contrast to the over paid western imports, mainly in the construction industry, who sit in their offices, robbing a living whilst spoofing their equally ridiculously paid mates on face book chat.

No wonder Dubai's pants have been pulled down and its arrogant arse well and truly spanked, with astronomical wages being paid to very average workers, who appear to do as little as possible, and why not i guess. Who wouldn't presented with an opportunity like this, fleece a country only to willing to swell your wallet well beyond your capabilities, so more power to your elbow guys and gals, but its a long climb back to the top, which is sad.....

And a Dubai blog wouldn't be a Dubai blog without mentioning out beloved Tribal leader.
You can say what you like about Sheikh Mohammed, bin Rashid, al Maktoum, but you cant say it quickly. In fact, the time it took to write his full title, making sure all capitals are precise an present, Dubai has lost another 5 billion dollars, and by the time the newspapers mention his true title, at least 50 times in any useless article, which runs something like this, ''Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, al Maktoum, ruler of the universe, deputy ruler of the galaxy, prime minister of all he surveys, deputy ruler of the armed forces, and leader of that once thriving metropolis, Dubai'' i have lost interest in what the reporter is trying to say, and lost another ''fistful of dollars'', which is an interesting metaphor, bearing in mind the majority of state owned companies not look out of place in a spaghetti western along side other cowboys like Clint Eastwood...With Nakheel claiming star billing.

Tried calling them to find out why they had stolen 55000 AED for service charges from my credit card i had not signed for. well, after an hour being redirected from one sharwma house to another, i found myself talking to a snake oil salesman, operating out of a secret office behind a wall in Karama whose first question was'' are you happy sir with your home insurance'', and may i quote you happy.''.. My reply was, ''Damn lucky i don't own a place on your world islands isn't it, How much do you charge for a piece of sand which is eroding quicker than my hair line'' and will ultimately suffer the same fate as Atlantis?.... ummmm, needless to say I achieved fuck all trying to ascertain how they can just steal money and then contest the transaction.. Do you know at the Nakheel main office, the official uniform is a pair of six shooters, a cowboy hat, and a nice Zorro mask and every body in there has the name Dick Turpin stencilled on their backs...

On a positive side mind, The Sheikh has made many people millionaires,more often than not from just ordering name plaques for his houses and palaces, and his business card maker must be quids in , with that massive mouthful,as it must be like one of those giant cheques they hand over at children in need...

May the palm be with you

Friday, December 18, 2009


To quote a good friend from the palm, and you know who you are, this will be 3 from 3, in reference to the amount of blogs I have written on consecutive days, and zilch to do with something very different, and don’t bother asking, it’s a secret.!!!

T’is Friday, December 18, 2009 and welcome once again to the sometimes bizarre, sometimes cruel, but the oh so real world of Johntomas666.

Today’s observation is based on an event which happened to me a few weeks back whilst at a comedy show with a very special person, I noticed, not for the first time I might add, but during the intermission as I sat alone, and no, before you point out,’’ I thought you said you was with someone special?”, Yes I was, and was alone due to the simple fact of a toilet break…. Back on point please!!!.

As I sat alone looking around the room full of people, couples, singles, males, female, she males, hermaphrodites’, (according to recent reports, the middle east has more of these genetic fuck ups than anywhere else in the world, which is a wonderful advert for families interbreeding, You have been warned, brothers and sisters should never be your mother or father!!Not all bad news of course, at least when people tell you to go’’ fuck yourself, you freak, after noticing your gloves have 3 thumbs and 7 fingers on each hand, guess what, you literally can, which must be fun’’). Just for you Nancy..lol

What interested me was that not a single person in that room appeared to be peaceful the moment their respective partners, or friends had gone to the bar, bathroom, make a phone call, whatever, my point is, every single one of them reached for a mobile phone and stared at the thing for a few seconds before forcefully interacting with it, predominantly it appeared texting was the order of the day, and a few were playing games on them from the forced smiles it produced with the phone held up at face level, as a series of bleeps and technological wizardry amused these socially inept individuals.. I apologize again for the broadness of this statement, but really, we live in a world, which has lost the ability to communicate with the spoken word, as gadgetry and the science of progress cocoons humanity in a perpetual comatose state.

My darling nephew, who is a lovely lad is a prime example of why this phenomena bothers me. Every time I see him, I greet him with a standard’’ Hi Jack, how are you young man?”, not asking him to recite a Shakespeare sonnet in response to my greeting, but all I get is an inaudible grunt as he looks up from some mobile device, like a pre pubescent Neanderthal tree dweller, protecting his bunch of banana’s, which is lovely had he been stood in whipsnade zoo at the world of monkey magic, but not trying to engage me with a simple pleasantry.. This incident is replicated en mass across the globe, and hence why cyber sites such as face book, bebo, my space et al have become such a massive success,.

They afford privacy and comfort with the safety net of isolation away from the prying eyes of others who you think are judging or watching you---Idiots, its only me and my kind who do that, not 95% of the population, they are all to busy with blackberry’s, strawberry’s, dingle berry’s or any other type of berry which you can e mail, fax, or text on to be concerned with what you are doing, but we are a nation of self aware ,insecure individuals who are fixated with what others think of us… Fuck them, relax and be yourself, dare to be different and think outside the box for a change, the self policing sheeple ( people who behave like sheep)….will point and exclaim primarily,’’ oooh, don’t go near him, he’s dangerous, or he’s mad, he talks about things which are explosive or negative, his information is dangerous,’’ NOOOO ITS NOT, all information is neutral, it’s what we do with it which makes it positive or negative ,but again, fuck them, you will have broken free from the chains of forced servitude imposed on us through social conditioning and down loaded mind programs we are forced to ingest since birth really, but believe me, there is a another way..

Hold on, this is interesting, across the café where I am writing this, 2 girls are stroking each other’s hands and kissing which is pleasant, but on closer inspection, nope, these girls are the kind who will carpet burn their chins off between a row of hers and hers 15 hole laced up Dr MARTIN army boots, and turned up denim which could do with a wash, pretty much like the 2 girls in front of me.. And nothing like the lipstick wearing modelesque bi curious beauty’s who like to film their exploits on red tube..Work with that Rob..

I’m back .. Face book and the phenomenal success it has become.

I must admit, I am an avid face book user, but I use it to communicate with people across the globe whom I can’t see due to geographical restrictions, which is wonderful, but I awake every fucking morning to a host of notifications from a host of my cyber friends who if I’m honest would rather cross the street than stop and talk, but give them a key board , an empty room to accompany their empty heads and fuck me, they become creative… Today for the 5th time I was dropped kicked in the chest by a pink sheep, oh yeah, and the same guy also head butted me with a Rottweiler 3 times uuhhh?..Fucking genius!!, answers to me on a postcard please if you can explain the point of it all….

Another girl, well a host of them actually invited me to feed their cyber beaver’s whilst they were out, and then stuff it when they returned.?? a good friend of mine asked me to clean someone’s cyber toilet which if I agreed would get a cyber hand job from Vicky, who I have not seen since she was 14….. Are you getting the picture.. Listen half wits, if you read my blog. then please, stop it already with this and read a fucking book, educate yourself before your remaining brain cells dissolve into a rancid jelly, if they have not already.

If you must indulge, I have a friend who just loves exchanging head butts, sheep’s balls, drop kicks to the kidneys etc etc… www.facebook/user/George/Dubya/Bush/jnr/userid.com. look him up, he’s got plenty of time on his hands now he’s not committing genocide and a host of war crimes..

Must share this last face book faux pas with you before I go to the gym.. I have already explained that I have a host of idiots attacking with me with a variety of farm yard and domesticated animals on a daily basis, but I also have a plethora of invites along the same lines which I decline on a daily basis which I usually do by clicking no to all, but this time I was going through them one by one, declining politely I had no desire to join the Hitler youth rally, nor the group to remove Tony Blair’s right gonad without anesthetic, although I think it’s a damn fine idea, anyway, this day I must have had 20 groups I had no interest in, and was frantically clicking no, and shock horror I missed the no and accepted the ‘’I hate paki’s group’’.. Which if you know anything about face book will now appear on my wall for the whole world to see, which leaves me with this dilemma. Do I leave it there and hope a mass of activity will hide it, or do I take a chance and leave the group, which will again flash up at the top of my wall declaring, Guess what, this racist pig has just left the ‘’I hate Paki’s group””… Face book is more like FUCK YOUR LIFE UP BOOK…for more reasons than you can imagine, but that’s another story


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why must you lie...

I know, there has been has zero consistency in the house of Tomas of late, and my ability to write blogs with regularity has dissipated in recent weeks, but I won’t apologize. That’s the price one pay’s for sprinting the first few miles of a marathon, and the prolific word count when I started this thing off has led to this eventuality.. There is only so much a busy man can observe in any given time frame.. Blah blah fucking blah..Anyway, enough excuses and the ink is ready to roll again.

Well, lucky for you guys, here’s another one coming at cha, and the topic Du jour is the Lebanese and Iranians living in Dubai, and deary me, you can’t turn round without bumping into at least one of the aforementioned story tellers.

What is it with these two cultures although polarized in many aspects of history, beliefs and ideology share a common theme in Dubai. ‘’The Barry McGuigan complex’’,( giving it the big’un) which loosely translates into Storytelling, lying, deceiving and self promotion to the detriment of all others, whilst spending copious amounts of money which quite frankly they don’t have at their disposal. Now, I am well aware that is a statement so broad, it makes even my shoulders appear narrow, and I am sure the majority of both nations are a credit to the human race, in fact I know plenty from both countries and indeed they are wonderful people, but for some reason, Dubai, acts like a huge arse hole magnet for them both.

Can somebody tell me, Is there some kind of advert running in the Beirut Bugle, or the Tehran times, appealing for Arse holes only, who have the ability to spend 3 times their salary in a month, drive exotica on phony credit lines afforded to them by our useless banking system, infidelity is a pre-requisite of course, as is mental cruelty to any UN lucky female daft enough to get snared by one of these charmers, and telling the truth about anything personal, or on a work front, strictly forbidden, for fear of exposure, and the collapse of the ego and pride on which this masquerade is built…. One way tickets only though guys, im afarid, unless you sign a pre arranged iron clad contract, which stipulates you must enter an Arse hole quarantine on arrival back in Tehran or Beirut for at least 12years, which is the minimum amount of time one needs to be cured of all of the above and become a normal functioning human being once again..

Well, that application form must be the most successful in the history of application forms, as Dubai is , or should I say, it WAS, full to the brim with these wonderful divot's, until the economic downturn exposed them for what they are, confidence tricksters, and due to our soon to be changed bankruptcy laws, the Sheik Zayed road became a carbon copy of the gumball rally, as crocodile shoes, cowboy hats, jewelry, big cigars, enough hair gel to give Vidal Sassoon a semi on and flashy watches jockeyed for position as they raced towards the airport in an array of hire purchased sports exotica with dear john letters in the glove box and one way tickets back to Arsehole quarantine. Which proves that every cloud indeed contains a silver lining, so celebrate the recession, and smile brightly, that Dubai is once again a safer place to reside, although I hear the locals in Tehran and Beirut are crying into their teeth whitening containers…. Oh well, they do belong to you after all, so suck it up, show some brotherly love for these lost souls, and embrace their return to the mother lands.. A big career in politics awaits them, as they clearly display all the atributes required for a successful career in that field, namely lying, cheating, bragging, deceiving fuck wits.... Tony Blair loves you guys by the way...Wonder why????

Guys, I won’t hold it against you, or think anything less of you if on meeting me on the beach, or in the various coffee shops on the palm or in Dubai, you just exchange small talk and shoot the breeze for 5 Min's, although tedious at times, its far and away a superior way of passing the time than attempting to blow smoke up my Arris with claims you have inside information on the latest wonder stock which is about to announce something major which will triple the share price over night, and promises to call me well in advance before this life changing even takes place… Listen, we both know you know fuck all about fuck all when it comes to inside info, so better leave the ego inflating stories for your fellow Persians who are used to such claims and stories, so therefore wont judge you or write truthful but hurtful blogs, outlining your need to impress with bullshit…. Comprende!!!!!

Until the next time,


Tiger Tiger, Burning bright.....

From the title of today's blog, there are no prizes for guessing who's in the firing line, and unless you have been living under a rock for past 3 weeks, one could not escape the carnage which has enveloped the wealthiest sportsman on this planet, and i hear you say, ''Please, no more, we could not give a Michelson's lob wedge how many whores he's been fucking, or strippers, pole dancers, trailer park trash moms, which he seems to be fond of etc he's been sticking his over sized genitalia into''..( i know, social stereotypes abound, but i hear through the golfing grapevine, he has his over sized wood which he swings with great aplomb, that makes Dirk Diggler sit up and take notice).. Anyway, i would like to throw my hat into the ring and give you my own take on Messieurs Tiger Woods, Johntomass stylee...

T'is Thursady, 17th December 2009.......Welcome to my world

First off, why are people so surprised that Tiger has been caught with his trousers down.?

He is a wealthy, scrub that, immensely wealthy guy, influence beyond imagination, power, and a global audience which makes Simon Cowell dance around forest fires like Rumpelstiltskin, cursing his luck.... To accompany this list he is a reasonably attractive guy, well, he seems to be until he removes his Nike baseball cap, and he suddenly resembles a Vietnamese retard.. Not having a pop here, just calling it how i see it, and i will review the variety of bloodlines which makes up the complete woods genome later on in this blog, but for now we'll continue down this road for now...

Ok, with a list of attributes as long as my Johnson, its no wonder girls are queuing up at 19Th holes around the globe with a chance of snaring themselves a big cat, and the chance of a healthy chunk of hush money, which seems to be flying out of Tigers secret numbered accounts to the tune of ZAMBIA'S NATIONAL GDP on a monthly basis, and it would appear this pussy cat really does like his cream. But my point is this, Why are people surprised, he's a man, with opportunity, period.!! Lots of them, like rolling stock on a conveyor belt, a never ending supply of fresh meat to devour.Take a look back through history to see how royalty, political heads of state, whole dynasty's have been taken down by that most prime of all real estates on this planet.. That's right, ladies and germs, where the thighs of both legs are reunited. PUSSY...

That piece of real estate is like kryptonite to the majority of the males on this planet, and has such a magnetic pull, its futile attempting to repel its power..... and the sooner this is recognized in the whole Venus V's Mars conundrum, the less column inches infidelity will consume.

On a lighter note, anyone in golf will know playing the wrong hole is a two shot penalty, so Tiger, the single 3 wood to the side of head was getting off lightly, although playing the wrong hole 11 times and counting who knows whats in store for you....But i'd certainly be trading that escalade in for a full military spec Hummer.

Maybe if you'd changed your name to Cheetah instead of Tiger, she would have been more lenient on you, just a thought... And the irony of Nike's great logo of ''just do it'' surely has not gone unnoticed... Certainly made me smile...

Now what make's Tiger so formidable on the course is a question for the ages, but i have come up with my own view based on his colorfull mix of bloodlines from different countries.

Part Afro American, part white man, part Dutch, and part Vietnamise, and those 4 different races have combined to produce the perfect golfer.

The Afro Amercan, gives him the natural grace and power, the Vietnamese for when he's stuck in the deep rough, jungles, etc which he escapes from quite beautifully, The Dutch, which gives him that laid back, calm temperment, which is essential when under pressure, and the White man in him means he can get on the course in the first place... You see, a perfect combo...

Different races have different genes you see, but often they don't work out for the best,For example.

I knew this fella, whose dad was a pygmy, and his mother was French, A brilliant cook, but alas could not reach the stove.

Another man i knew, his father was Russian, and his mum a Swiss Arab, and i used to see him walking ten yards behind his old dad with a dish dash on drinking vodka out of a cuckoo clock..

Last but not least.

Another man i knew, who's Mum was French and his Dad was french..He was a CUNT.!!!

On that note, i will bid you Good night, and Tiger, if i was you I'd have my Lawyers going over that pre-nup... Could turn out to be the most expensive Fuck in the history of Fuck ups..

May the palm be with you.....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The puppet king could be in trouble..

Greetings, and welcome once again to my world of controversy and at times, conspiracy, and today, the latter will be my food for thought, so not to much to laugh at here, but something for those who value my opinions to ponder over and maybe, just maybe spread the word, which in turn may jolt us from the apathy which the Illuminati depends on to succeed in their vision for an Orwellian nightmare,with consequences unfathomable to the future freedoms and happiness of this planet.

T'is Wednesday, 4th of November.

Anyone familiar with my blogs will understand my feelings towards Obama, and Western government leaders full stop, and how they all dance to the tune of the shadowy hand, unseen and unknown to the masses, but to a growing population becoming very transparent, and rapidly loosing their ability to stay covert..Anyway, as we all know the World has been teetering on the edge of financial ruin, and was rescued by those lovely guys over at the federal reserve who just decided to crank up the printing press, or more to the point, just added a series of zero's to a series of computer screens, and hey presto, we are all saved,( Rudimentary i know, but no real need to elaborate at this point)... Cheers, and drum roll pleaseeee...

To . The Rothschild dynasty, The Rockerfella's, Warburgs et al, who are the real owners of the Fed, and not the US Government which the majority of the World believe,( for those of a dis believing nature, please read ''the creature of Jekyll Island for a clear and concise explanation of the Feds conception)..l and this brings me on to today's observation, and its not pretty at all...Please remember, this is my Opinion, and feel free to oppose it, but may i say, i have been studying secret society's and the rulers of our planet, and by that i mean, the real rulers and not the all dancing , all lying fuck wits we have to listen to daily on sky, fox and cnn...Which include Obama, Brown, Blair, Clinton and a host of others....

As for Obama i am genuinely fearful for his safety, and here's why.

The Illuminati assassinate people like Kennedy and Lincoln, men who go against their agenda.Men who decided that interest added to every dollar produced by the fed had to stop, and wanted to issue interest free loans to the people who really needed it, but alas, I am afraid that type of insolence does not go unpunished, and usually results in a patsy being set up to take the blame for shooting in the head the unfortunates who will not play ball...

Those that act as their willing pawns get expendable doubles. It would be bad for business if a bullet was the only reward for a lifetime of service. Not much of a retirement gift at all (personally, I would prefer the gold watch).Which raises the question, why would an organization that despises the Black race and encouraged the decimation of the entire continent of Africa through a manufactured virus, internecine warfare and mass starvation want a Black President in the first place? Black people get abortion clinics and birth control, not the Presidency.The Illuminati believe that Blacks are the lowest inferior race. They founded the "Eugenics" movement to eliminate inferior races and manufacture a Master Race.

Their program has been followed in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Western World. These people are Gnostic's. Gnosticism is the belief that a man can only be perfected through multiple reincarnations that burn out the physical elements of fire, water, earth and air. The Illuminati believe that skin color and other physical characteristics define where you are on this "road to perfection". Ether (Aether) is Plato's 5th element. It is best defined as pure intelligence, free from the elements mentioned previously. Through multiple reincarnations, the ether in a man is ultimately separated from these elements and can finally be merged into "The One" (Star Wars called it the Force). The "One" according to the Illuminati, is Lucifer.Black people, according to the Illuminati, are just getting started on the road to perfection. By killing them off, the psychopaths believe they can be reincarnated with a higher Aether Content. The Aryan Race is the final step we all must pass through before we can achieve perfection (according to Luciferians) and merge with "The One".So, again I would ask, why would an individual that the Illuminati believe to be from the least developed race, get their support and be elected to the Highest Office in the Land?I believe, Obama was promoted for one reason:

To be the Satanic "Sacrifice" that would start a race war between Blacks and Whites and for those who know me personally, i have highlighted this risk over and over.The mass murder and martial law that results will turn us all into cheap slave labor or "future" Aryans.

I envision the following scenario developing if indeed poor old Barack gets whacked.

1. As the result of a deteriorating economy, high unemployment and lack of opportunities, large strikes and civil unrest disrupt the City of Chicago. I pick Chicago because it is Obama's "home turf". This disruption will be fueled by Illuminati Provocateurs that work the mobs.

2. Obama visits the area. He agrees to personally address the crowd and travels a parade route through downtown Chicago. Only, it isn't the real Obama, its his "skinny body double".

3. A shot (shots) breaks out from a window(s) in one of the cities skyscrapers. Obama's double has been assassinated.

4. Instead of quelling the violence, the effect of the assassination is that black vs. white riots break out City-wide

.5. From Chicago they spread to other cities, until every major urban area is in flames and engulfed in riots where upon martial law will be declared and F.E.M.A under emergency rule will take the streets to quell the unease, and dissenters will be arrested and thrown into military styled detention camps, already built and in place..Don't think this is what they have planned? They have played this card before:

1. Martin Luther King: His assassination led to the very same type of riots described above.

2. Rodney King: Los Angeles Riots.Yes, the Illuminati know how to incite large groups of the population one against the other. Its what they do to accomplish their goals. Past performance is a good indicator of future events. I am relatively certain that the above scenario is in the works. Hopefully, if enough people are made aware of the possibility, the psychopaths that plot and scheme will have to come up with something else to accomplish their designs..

As for Jhntomas666, i promise i will be writing a comical view on the Iranians and Lebanese and what roll they play in Our lovely city of Dubai..... Coming soon to a computer screen near you.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Supermarket Nuances

The Vitruvian man.!!

Greetings one and all, and especially to Geraldine from Chile, who really is my biggest fan, so this ones for you from Dubai to Santiago.
T'is Sunday, the 4th of October, 2009.

Sitting on my sofa this evening watching the football, my mind wandered from here to there, and back to here again, and somewhere in between, a selection of random thoughts came into my mind, so i will share them with you.

1st up are Supermarkets, and the strange behavior that humans display whilst shopping there, or for those unfortunate enough to be employed by one of these giants, working there, and i am not claiming any superiority here, just because i have acquired a certain set of skills in life and been blessed with a mercurial brain, which has enabled me to buy a few objects of high material value does not make me any better or superior to the lowly check out girl, or toilet attendant who takes great pride in scrubbing the pebble dash from under the rim after some fat Arab has almost broken the pan with the whole world falling out of his arse hole. We are all equals in my eyes, its just that our warped society has yet to realize or understand it. Anyway, will leave that for another blog.....

Was watching how men who shop in my local Carrefour in the Dubai mall refuse to get a trolley, and tell their spouses, partners, lovers in a macho way, ''Don't worry love about the trolley, we wont be getting much, this hand basket will be fine, i'll carry it darling, leave this to me'', they then proceed to fill the basket with rubbish before the 1st aisle is walked, and the funny bit is, the heavier it gets, the further up the arm the basket goes, until its sat in the crease of the bicep and the cool machismo has turned into a beading forehead, and a burn in the bicep which you could not achieve with a 100 curls..I swear, look out for it next time you are there,and equally as funny, at the check out, all the men are kicking the full to the brim baskets along the floor and complaining about how slow the cue is moving.Moron's, listen to your better and more equipped better half, they have been doing this shit for years, and know these shopping pearls of wisdom..

And before i leave this supermarket theme, two more observations whilst i was in there, and the first was the attendant pulling a cage full of goods and produce along the floor, which i was refilling the aisles with, whilst grunting and weezing, like a gorilla having an asthma attack, and could not help but think, this guy belongs in that cage,with the top firmly shut, poor guy, it appeared that evolution had just passed this missing link right on by.. But i am no better than him either..(lol)

Last but no means least was the sight, and this is more common in the UK than Dubai, of single parent Women shopping with their illegitimate offspring sat in their Mclaren/fisher price/ push chairs, and here's the mental part, with at least a fortnights shopping hanging off the back of the thing. I swear, come on, you've seen this a million times, and the really funny thing is, as long as you are not stood behind these delinquents in the cue, the child jumps up and runs off, and crash bang wallop, the chair tips up, and milk, eggs, toilet rolls, potatoes, fruit, and all, crashes to the floor.
What ever happened to the child, mother understanding of the see saw, and that the child is the opposing force which keeps this mobile shopping device on all 4 wheels.. Again, these people should be working in Divit's R us, with the brains of a rocking chair nestled somewhere underneath the peroxide rats maze of a hair do...

And the checkout girls are not budding Stephen Hawking's either. They just love to comment on the food you have bought as they scan it. '' oooh, treacle pudding, i love that, so yummy isn't it, so much treacle''.. umm yep, sure has Einstein, and ''ooohhhh cottage pie, with real pieces of cottage in there''.. Sure thing, pieces of wall and roof and floor board..Cottage is not a food source you fucking retard, and stop giving me a running commentary of everything i have bought.. Thank fuck i did not buy any condoms or tampons that day..!!!!

On the beach last week with my Girlfriend and a host of my Dubai beach mates, one of the gang said to her, ''Hey, is your man always like this, making fun of people and laughing and joking and being the comedian".. Of course i am, thats who i am, i make people laugh, well, and cry at times( you know who you are, and i'm sorry)..
Would you ask a brain surgeons wife the same question.
''Is he like that at home''.. Oh yes he is, he is always flicking the top of my head off whilst im trying to watch countdown, its fucking murder it is.. You see, mental people asking daft questions.. The world is full of non thinking entity's, and if you are one of them, that last statement has gone right over your little heads..lol.

Is it just my girlfriend or is it all women give off so much heat in bed, and what a menopausal one must be like, i cant imagine, like sharing a bed with Satan, and thats just the fucking mood swings before they sleep..and before they even start to do their best impression of a large radiator.
Thats why every home i will ever own will have a spare double bed always prepared for me to jump into if my partner starts to catch fire during the night.I swear last night even the hot water bottle was screaming at me to open the fucking window.. I so much prefer to sleep alone, and some of my friends say im selfish , or they say, Does Guna get upset when you leave her in the middle of the night...

Listen, i sleep like Da Vinci's Vitruvian man, and for those who are not that smart, or well read, i have put a picture up at the start , so now you can get a mental picture of me when i'm sleeping, so i'm doing it for her as well as me. And to be honest, i don't care what people think, humanity is held in a constant state of fear and anxiety because we are consumed with what others think or have, Not me, i could not give a Vegans fart... I sleep that way, because its life's chief nourishment, and without it i'm as cranky as pre- menstruating Margaret Thatcher, and that my friends, is not pleasant at all...So, Guna turn out the light in my bedroom AS YOU PASS IT ON YOUR WAY TO YOUR OWN PLEASE....