Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just a quick one today on beloved Dubai.

As the Worlds press continue to stick the knife into our beloved Dubai, well depending on what type of role you have to play here of course, will depend on how affected, upset you may, or not be.

Of course, if you are one of the many 100's of thousands of menial workers, who get paid dog shit instead of a decent wage, you will be quietly smug, whilst tucking into your slave labour gruel, a la Oliver Twist, as long of course you are actually receiving your packet of dog shit which affords you your sub human existence, in contrast to the over paid western imports, mainly in the construction industry, who sit in their offices, robbing a living whilst spoofing their equally ridiculously paid mates on face book chat.

No wonder Dubai's pants have been pulled down and its arrogant arse well and truly spanked, with astronomical wages being paid to very average workers, who appear to do as little as possible, and why not i guess. Who wouldn't presented with an opportunity like this, fleece a country only to willing to swell your wallet well beyond your capabilities, so more power to your elbow guys and gals, but its a long climb back to the top, which is sad.....

And a Dubai blog wouldn't be a Dubai blog without mentioning out beloved Tribal leader.
You can say what you like about Sheikh Mohammed, bin Rashid, al Maktoum, but you cant say it quickly. In fact, the time it took to write his full title, making sure all capitals are precise an present, Dubai has lost another 5 billion dollars, and by the time the newspapers mention his true title, at least 50 times in any useless article, which runs something like this, ''Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, al Maktoum, ruler of the universe, deputy ruler of the galaxy, prime minister of all he surveys, deputy ruler of the armed forces, and leader of that once thriving metropolis, Dubai'' i have lost interest in what the reporter is trying to say, and lost another ''fistful of dollars'', which is an interesting metaphor, bearing in mind the majority of state owned companies not look out of place in a spaghetti western along side other cowboys like Clint Eastwood...With Nakheel claiming star billing.

Tried calling them to find out why they had stolen 55000 AED for service charges from my credit card i had not signed for. well, after an hour being redirected from one sharwma house to another, i found myself talking to a snake oil salesman, operating out of a secret office behind a wall in Karama whose first question was'' are you happy sir with your home insurance'', and may i quote you happy.''.. My reply was, ''Damn lucky i don't own a place on your world islands isn't it, How much do you charge for a piece of sand which is eroding quicker than my hair line'' and will ultimately suffer the same fate as Atlantis?.... ummmm, needless to say I achieved fuck all trying to ascertain how they can just steal money and then contest the transaction.. Do you know at the Nakheel main office, the official uniform is a pair of six shooters, a cowboy hat, and a nice Zorro mask and every body in there has the name Dick Turpin stencilled on their backs...

On a positive side mind, The Sheikh has made many people millionaires,more often than not from just ordering name plaques for his houses and palaces, and his business card maker must be quids in , with that massive mouthful,as it must be like one of those giant cheques they hand over at children in need...

May the palm be with you


  1. Its Xmas, MY absolute favourite man is back with another brilliant, comical piece.I laugh so much at you all the time. aiii aiii. What a man. xx

  2. ha ha ha. Mental you are, but not ashamed to admitt i laughed many times out loud.

  3. Keeps gettng better. So many over paid workers over in Dubai, no wonder the place is in so mcuh trouble.. I could not stop laughing thinking of the name plaques hanging outside his doors, brilliant

  4. Genius, simple as that my friend. You got balls man, like melons. But funny as hell

  5. Great humour and sarcasm.


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