Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The puppet king could be in trouble..

Greetings, and welcome once again to my world of controversy and at times, conspiracy, and today, the latter will be my food for thought, so not to much to laugh at here, but something for those who value my opinions to ponder over and maybe, just maybe spread the word, which in turn may jolt us from the apathy which the Illuminati depends on to succeed in their vision for an Orwellian nightmare,with consequences unfathomable to the future freedoms and happiness of this planet.

T'is Wednesday, 4th of November.

Anyone familiar with my blogs will understand my feelings towards Obama, and Western government leaders full stop, and how they all dance to the tune of the shadowy hand, unseen and unknown to the masses, but to a growing population becoming very transparent, and rapidly loosing their ability to stay covert..Anyway, as we all know the World has been teetering on the edge of financial ruin, and was rescued by those lovely guys over at the federal reserve who just decided to crank up the printing press, or more to the point, just added a series of zero's to a series of computer screens, and hey presto, we are all saved,( Rudimentary i know, but no real need to elaborate at this point)... Cheers, and drum roll pleaseeee...

To . The Rothschild dynasty, The Rockerfella's, Warburgs et al, who are the real owners of the Fed, and not the US Government which the majority of the World believe,( for those of a dis believing nature, please read ''the creature of Jekyll Island for a clear and concise explanation of the Feds conception)..l and this brings me on to today's observation, and its not pretty at all...Please remember, this is my Opinion, and feel free to oppose it, but may i say, i have been studying secret society's and the rulers of our planet, and by that i mean, the real rulers and not the all dancing , all lying fuck wits we have to listen to daily on sky, fox and cnn...Which include Obama, Brown, Blair, Clinton and a host of others....

As for Obama i am genuinely fearful for his safety, and here's why.

The Illuminati assassinate people like Kennedy and Lincoln, men who go against their agenda.Men who decided that interest added to every dollar produced by the fed had to stop, and wanted to issue interest free loans to the people who really needed it, but alas, I am afraid that type of insolence does not go unpunished, and usually results in a patsy being set up to take the blame for shooting in the head the unfortunates who will not play ball...

Those that act as their willing pawns get expendable doubles. It would be bad for business if a bullet was the only reward for a lifetime of service. Not much of a retirement gift at all (personally, I would prefer the gold watch).Which raises the question, why would an organization that despises the Black race and encouraged the decimation of the entire continent of Africa through a manufactured virus, internecine warfare and mass starvation want a Black President in the first place? Black people get abortion clinics and birth control, not the Presidency.The Illuminati believe that Blacks are the lowest inferior race. They founded the "Eugenics" movement to eliminate inferior races and manufacture a Master Race.

Their program has been followed in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Western World. These people are Gnostic's. Gnosticism is the belief that a man can only be perfected through multiple reincarnations that burn out the physical elements of fire, water, earth and air. The Illuminati believe that skin color and other physical characteristics define where you are on this "road to perfection". Ether (Aether) is Plato's 5th element. It is best defined as pure intelligence, free from the elements mentioned previously. Through multiple reincarnations, the ether in a man is ultimately separated from these elements and can finally be merged into "The One" (Star Wars called it the Force). The "One" according to the Illuminati, is Lucifer.Black people, according to the Illuminati, are just getting started on the road to perfection. By killing them off, the psychopaths believe they can be reincarnated with a higher Aether Content. The Aryan Race is the final step we all must pass through before we can achieve perfection (according to Luciferians) and merge with "The One".So, again I would ask, why would an individual that the Illuminati believe to be from the least developed race, get their support and be elected to the Highest Office in the Land?I believe, Obama was promoted for one reason:

To be the Satanic "Sacrifice" that would start a race war between Blacks and Whites and for those who know me personally, i have highlighted this risk over and over.The mass murder and martial law that results will turn us all into cheap slave labor or "future" Aryans.

I envision the following scenario developing if indeed poor old Barack gets whacked.

1. As the result of a deteriorating economy, high unemployment and lack of opportunities, large strikes and civil unrest disrupt the City of Chicago. I pick Chicago because it is Obama's "home turf". This disruption will be fueled by Illuminati Provocateurs that work the mobs.

2. Obama visits the area. He agrees to personally address the crowd and travels a parade route through downtown Chicago. Only, it isn't the real Obama, its his "skinny body double".

3. A shot (shots) breaks out from a window(s) in one of the cities skyscrapers. Obama's double has been assassinated.

4. Instead of quelling the violence, the effect of the assassination is that black vs. white riots break out City-wide

.5. From Chicago they spread to other cities, until every major urban area is in flames and engulfed in riots where upon martial law will be declared and F.E.M.A under emergency rule will take the streets to quell the unease, and dissenters will be arrested and thrown into military styled detention camps, already built and in place..Don't think this is what they have planned? They have played this card before:

1. Martin Luther King: His assassination led to the very same type of riots described above.

2. Rodney King: Los Angeles Riots.Yes, the Illuminati know how to incite large groups of the population one against the other. Its what they do to accomplish their goals. Past performance is a good indicator of future events. I am relatively certain that the above scenario is in the works. Hopefully, if enough people are made aware of the possibility, the psychopaths that plot and scheme will have to come up with something else to accomplish their designs..

As for Jhntomas666, i promise i will be writing a comical view on the Iranians and Lebanese and what roll they play in Our lovely city of Dubai..... Coming soon to a computer screen near you.



  1. Pure Genius Pal. I think you are joking about the body double, but apart from that, all very believable and i hope you are not as smart as i think you are, as we are in big trouble if so...

  2. Thats more like the stuff i like Thomas. Food for thought. More like this please

  3. body double? where'd be the real skinny one, then? just askin' ...

  4. Hey Johntomass. Its Geraldine here, and just read your new blog.You really are very talented, and there seems no end to your levels of intellect and insght. Funny and smart, AND VERY SEXY AS WELL... my my, your girlfriend is one lucky lady....

  5. Hey Geraldine, If all my audience was as complimentary as you, i might just start making a living at this.. I thank you so much for your kind words.. Lucky girlfriend hey, lol.. Opinions would differ


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