Friday, December 18, 2009


To quote a good friend from the palm, and you know who you are, this will be 3 from 3, in reference to the amount of blogs I have written on consecutive days, and zilch to do with something very different, and don’t bother asking, it’s a secret.!!!

T’is Friday, December 18, 2009 and welcome once again to the sometimes bizarre, sometimes cruel, but the oh so real world of Johntomas666.

Today’s observation is based on an event which happened to me a few weeks back whilst at a comedy show with a very special person, I noticed, not for the first time I might add, but during the intermission as I sat alone, and no, before you point out,’’ I thought you said you was with someone special?”, Yes I was, and was alone due to the simple fact of a toilet break…. Back on point please!!!.

As I sat alone looking around the room full of people, couples, singles, males, female, she males, hermaphrodites’, (according to recent reports, the middle east has more of these genetic fuck ups than anywhere else in the world, which is a wonderful advert for families interbreeding, You have been warned, brothers and sisters should never be your mother or father!!Not all bad news of course, at least when people tell you to go’’ fuck yourself, you freak, after noticing your gloves have 3 thumbs and 7 fingers on each hand, guess what, you literally can, which must be fun’’). Just for you

What interested me was that not a single person in that room appeared to be peaceful the moment their respective partners, or friends had gone to the bar, bathroom, make a phone call, whatever, my point is, every single one of them reached for a mobile phone and stared at the thing for a few seconds before forcefully interacting with it, predominantly it appeared texting was the order of the day, and a few were playing games on them from the forced smiles it produced with the phone held up at face level, as a series of bleeps and technological wizardry amused these socially inept individuals.. I apologize again for the broadness of this statement, but really, we live in a world, which has lost the ability to communicate with the spoken word, as gadgetry and the science of progress cocoons humanity in a perpetual comatose state.

My darling nephew, who is a lovely lad is a prime example of why this phenomena bothers me. Every time I see him, I greet him with a standard’’ Hi Jack, how are you young man?”, not asking him to recite a Shakespeare sonnet in response to my greeting, but all I get is an inaudible grunt as he looks up from some mobile device, like a pre pubescent Neanderthal tree dweller, protecting his bunch of banana’s, which is lovely had he been stood in whipsnade zoo at the world of monkey magic, but not trying to engage me with a simple pleasantry.. This incident is replicated en mass across the globe, and hence why cyber sites such as face book, bebo, my space et al have become such a massive success,.

They afford privacy and comfort with the safety net of isolation away from the prying eyes of others who you think are judging or watching you---Idiots, its only me and my kind who do that, not 95% of the population, they are all to busy with blackberry’s, strawberry’s, dingle berry’s or any other type of berry which you can e mail, fax, or text on to be concerned with what you are doing, but we are a nation of self aware ,insecure individuals who are fixated with what others think of us… Fuck them, relax and be yourself, dare to be different and think outside the box for a change, the self policing sheeple ( people who behave like sheep)….will point and exclaim primarily,’’ oooh, don’t go near him, he’s dangerous, or he’s mad, he talks about things which are explosive or negative, his information is dangerous,’’ NOOOO ITS NOT, all information is neutral, it’s what we do with it which makes it positive or negative ,but again, fuck them, you will have broken free from the chains of forced servitude imposed on us through social conditioning and down loaded mind programs we are forced to ingest since birth really, but believe me, there is a another way..

Hold on, this is interesting, across the cafĂ© where I am writing this, 2 girls are stroking each other’s hands and kissing which is pleasant, but on closer inspection, nope, these girls are the kind who will carpet burn their chins off between a row of hers and hers 15 hole laced up Dr MARTIN army boots, and turned up denim which could do with a wash, pretty much like the 2 girls in front of me.. And nothing like the lipstick wearing modelesque bi curious beauty’s who like to film their exploits on red tube..Work with that Rob..

I’m back .. Face book and the phenomenal success it has become.

I must admit, I am an avid face book user, but I use it to communicate with people across the globe whom I can’t see due to geographical restrictions, which is wonderful, but I awake every fucking morning to a host of notifications from a host of my cyber friends who if I’m honest would rather cross the street than stop and talk, but give them a key board , an empty room to accompany their empty heads and fuck me, they become creative… Today for the 5th time I was dropped kicked in the chest by a pink sheep, oh yeah, and the same guy also head butted me with a Rottweiler 3 times uuhhh?..Fucking genius!!, answers to me on a postcard please if you can explain the point of it all….

Another girl, well a host of them actually invited me to feed their cyber beaver’s whilst they were out, and then stuff it when they returned.?? a good friend of mine asked me to clean someone’s cyber toilet which if I agreed would get a cyber hand job from Vicky, who I have not seen since she was 14….. Are you getting the picture.. Listen half wits, if you read my blog. then please, stop it already with this and read a fucking book, educate yourself before your remaining brain cells dissolve into a rancid jelly, if they have not already.

If you must indulge, I have a friend who just loves exchanging head butts, sheep’s balls, drop kicks to the kidneys etc etc… www.facebook/user/George/Dubya/Bush/jnr/ look him up, he’s got plenty of time on his hands now he’s not committing genocide and a host of war crimes..

Must share this last face book faux pas with you before I go to the gym.. I have already explained that I have a host of idiots attacking with me with a variety of farm yard and domesticated animals on a daily basis, but I also have a plethora of invites along the same lines which I decline on a daily basis which I usually do by clicking no to all, but this time I was going through them one by one, declining politely I had no desire to join the Hitler youth rally, nor the group to remove Tony Blair’s right gonad without anesthetic, although I think it’s a damn fine idea, anyway, this day I must have had 20 groups I had no interest in, and was frantically clicking no, and shock horror I missed the no and accepted the ‘’I hate paki’s group’’.. Which if you know anything about face book will now appear on my wall for the whole world to see, which leaves me with this dilemma. Do I leave it there and hope a mass of activity will hide it, or do I take a chance and leave the group, which will again flash up at the top of my wall declaring, Guess what, this racist pig has just left the ‘’I hate Paki’s group””… Face book is more like FUCK YOUR LIFE UP BOOK…for more reasons than you can imagine, but that’s another story



  1. My my my. I could not belive my luck when i checked your site today. 3 BLOGS, and every one as good as ever.I have laughed all day long.My favourite man is back and i have missed you. Happy Chrsitmas from Chile.

  2. i am always telling people the same type of things, but not in your style, and without your humour, so i am a huge fan of yours and views of the world. Realy enjoyed last 3 blogs and was worried you had retired.

  3. Pure class, strong from beginning to end. Best to date

  4. Nurez, totally agree FUCKING FUNNY STUFF.. lOVE THIS NUT CASE


  6. Lol, good one tonto.

  7. Laughed so much, as i recognised so many truths in that. Than you, made my day

  8. Better and better my man. Funny, stylish and sharp as a razor


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