Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Joey Barton and Amey Shitehouse

From the title, i can safely assume, and i know assumption makes and ass of u and me, but in this particular instance, save my readers who enjoy the beautiful game, i can safely assume that most of yall will not have a scooby-doo of who Joey B is....

Not to worry, you'll get the gist of it as i proceed with my message...Greetings, T'is daft o clock on the 24th of March 2009.... and today i will have something to say on a couple of random topics which have inspired me to write..

First up,
UK traditions, and in particular, this subject really does get the blood boiling of the masses, both pro and anti.... And that's Fox hunting, and yes Compton, smile away, you've arrived in the Johntomas blog..

Right, i know our fair Isle is famous for tradition, pomp and circumstance, a ruling monarchy, an elitist schooling system, huge class polarization, and more social misfits than you can shake a shitty stick at.. We still have comatose guards, wearing ridiculous fucking hats, stood still, doing sweet F.A for hours on end,outside some palace, the name of which slips my elephantine memory, which our Japanese cousins, and especially those uncle Sam mother F'S, who's own dysfunctional country is burdened with enough red tape to mummify all inhabitants of Dubai twice over, but seem to go weak at the knees for our antiquated rituals, but still, it helps to bring in, apparently, squillions of Dollars..

Big fucking deal, i far prefer the melting pot culture, real world, called Marlybone road,barely a stones throw away from this bullshit, where you can walk into a Polish newsagents, and buy a Lebanese Porn mag, served by an Albanian cashier, who subsidizes her income for the Chinese Triads,in a sweaty massage parlour upstairs and promises a happy ending for a fist full of dollars... Clint seems to love it there...( lost a few of you there hey.!!!).

But, i guarantee you this, the fox hunting lovers among us, will have been physically sick reading that last paragraph, racist elitists that they are, who shudder at the very word of integration, and can been found only in the members enclosures of Henley, Wimbledon, Ascot,Cowes, and any Polo match,which is ironic, as most don't have a fucking clue what goes on, or who has won what and where, and as for the rules, forget about it;, its all about the hat, shoes, and accessories, but most, if not all of this elitist troupe will be avid fox hunters, or watchers of bulls getting their brains pierced with sharp knives for the sadistic pleasure of the baying moronic crowds...

My opposition to this Sadistic sport is this.a Fox, like any other wild animal will kill to satisfy its most primary role in creation, survival, and unlike ourselves, they don't have the luxury of a microwave, nor various lean cuisine family packs, nor a paki shop on every street corner to satisfy, or feed their young, so killing chickens, or any other legitimate target becomes a necessity, and as upsetting as that must be, for children to wake up in the mornings and to realize their pet rabbit's heads are no longer attached to theirnecks, or the body of Jake, the family Guinea pig has been divided into 4 parts, our predatory Fox does this to eat.

Unlike ourselves, the dreaded human being, who believes,we have the right, due to our increased cranium power to inflict upon the poor defenseless animal a trial so torturous, it defies belief.
I have no religious indoctrination, but if i had to lean towards any belief system, it would be that of the Buddhist, and think every living creature has the right to live, unless they are a inherently malevolent, so my Buddhism with a twist would allow me to change the rules of the game a little..
This is my plan...(cue graveyard laughter)....How about genetically modifying a fox, teach it to ride a horse and blow a fucking horn, and set them loose on dysfunctional human beings, like Joey Barton, Noel Gallagher, Pete Doherty, Amy Shitehouse, Marylin Manson and a whole host of others, including those who hunt themselves with double barreled surnames.. like Piggot-Smythe.... Parker-Bowles........Compton-Timms.... .)who only use up far too much needed commodities like air and water for the rest of us...

I would pay top dollar to watch a team of modified fox's tear these stupid fucking delinquents limb from limb in the name of sport....I
In fact, i would Dorise much pleasure from finding out where the master of the hunt lives, going to his home in the middle of the night, scaling his undoubted gated entrance, and writing the words C.U.N Tuesday in letters 4 foot high across his manicured lawns with industrial weed killer... and then take a huge dump in is koi Carp pond...

People often accuse me of having to much time on my hands, and to get a job, or do something useful, listen jealous fuck wits, work is over rated, and a means to an end at best, so you carry on waking when its still dark, sitting in traffic for hours everyday, and eating Chinese take aways when u get home of an evening, and leave me to lie on the beach with crystal clear waters 10meters from me, with Carmen Electra to my right, and at least 10 Pamela Anderson wanna bee's genetically modified of course to my right, as the waiter brings me a cold shandy, and i read and write random material for my blog... And when i get bored, i take the kayak out and snorkel around the Sheiks island, or catch fish from the boat, play a bit of Frisbee, volleyball.. So try suffering like i do under a hot sun before complaining, but for those with a jealous disposition, and to appease these haters...(Hey, Hate the game, not the player).. i have signed up for a course in underwater basket weaving, and teach yourself to knit an orgasm with Women's realm to do some good for society.. WANKERS!!!!!!

Walk a mile in my shoes first, and you will see how comfortable they are...lol.... So you enjoy your toe strangling, blister inducing 8 inch stilettos, metaphorically speaking, and i will enjoy my slippers with the cashmere inserts..... So i will leave you with the immortal words of that great philosopher.. LL Cool J...''Eat shit arse wipers''.. PEACE OUT...

One more thing, ''it's ben emotional''


  1. I hate bloodsports as well, cruel and barbaric.Funny again. Liking it

  2. lol.very funny in parts, especially the weed killer bit

  3. You talk about 'racist elitists' and then, in the next paragraph, refer to a 'paki shop'. Very funny.

  4. 'dorise'? Did you mean 'derive'?

  5. Richard, I use the term Paki, as the abbreviated version of pakistani, but I to found it sharp, but it adds to the effect.. And, indeed I did mean derive, thanks for that, my spell checker sometimes does that..lol..

  6. And before you start.... It's too...... lol

  7. Compton-timms....yeah right, keep dreaming worm lover. I´ve seen you eat the biggest steak in the world and wear the most fabulous leather jacket ever, although my fox leather coat is definetely divine, lol.
    That Geraldine from Chile who hates bloodsports is such a fake.
    I enjoyed your blog...A lot.

  8. The real slim Compton..lol.. dont know about em&em, but you have been eating plenty of m&m's, the peanut version foooo sure..

    Im sending greenpeace around your house with a can of weedkiller, paint stripper, and a dozen eggs for that hideous Fox fur...

    Your namesake form Chile is a real fan,and loves my stuff it would seem..Is that your alter ego?

    Glad you liked the blog, You would have loved that name,Compton-Timms.


I encourage healthy debate, so please tell me your thoughts and appreciate the feedback