Saturday, January 31, 2009

Why the girls gotta get paid

Greetings, tis the 31st of Jan 09.
This year
marked a confluence of events both real ,and thinly fictionalized in TV shows like (Showtime’s “Secret Diary of A Call Girl"), that arguably made 2008, and most defo 2009. the Year of the Prostitute., call girl, slut, secretary, doughnut seller, wife... Or whoever procures material gain for providing sexual gratifictation for the paying male.,or female, for that matter,depending on your sexual bias...
Which includes a wife who does not marry for love, but rather comfort, security, material gain, Expensive lunches, with an ever greater expense account,
which in the opinion of many who i interviewed on this subject,agreed whole heartedly,this was the same thing, but even more sinister and cold than the working girl, who at least charges for a service overtly, than the manipulating, who still charge by the hour, and at times alot more than a professional girl, but covertly, and even go through the masquarade of a matrimonial fraud to complete the illusion.....
Interesting times indeed.

The 20th century will certaintly will be remembered fondly as the century of bi-sexuality... Which if you ask 100 men what they think of that, 99 will clearly state, ''I FUCKING LOVE IT'', as long as we are talking about feminine lipstick lesbo's who have step'd straight off a 50cent/snoop dog video, with bodies to die for, as opposed to the Shaven headed, Dr Martin wearing, heavily tatoo'd whale masquarading as a female, with the obligatory l.o.v.e & h.a.t.e tatoo on the knuckles of each hand...,,

Atually, i have seen lebains so tough and rugged, they actually have love and hat on her hands after losing the E from hate in a bar brawl... Imagine walking around with LOVE & HAT on your hands. .. how fucking funny is that....).... Driving vehicles with stickers calling for Martina Navratilova as president, and others to save the 3 leg'd, gay tuna fish....

These types of lesbian do not appeal to men whatsoever,.. (Strange that hey... cant work it out at all)...)

The remaining 1 percent of men are blatant liars.... And will be the pussy wupped boyfriend/husband terrified of his partner who will put his balls through the ringer when she gets him home.....if he dare admit to watching lesbian porn..

Men are basic, and all fantasies involve 2 women doing naughty, or very naughty things to each other,with a series of vegetables from the kitchen , or donning a leather contraption fitted snuggley under and around the side, with apendages of varying length and girth..... Period!!!!...

Back to the topic at hand,.. (Damn, was i being self indulgent then, and inflicting my own fanatasy , nope, most definitely not... Men are pigs.. basic cave dwelling conquerers, and procreaters, who just love girl on girl action..

i just write and say the things most men would give their left nut to, but like most of the sheeple, are far to afraid of what the masses who self police each other might say... People, stop with the pride,ego and trepidation of being judged by members of the community, who are no better than the fascist thought police... And speak your minds....

A cache of articles glamorizing the oldest profession in recent months, combined with the economic tailspin, has put a question you women might once have asked yourself in your darkest hour firmly at the fore: Would you sell your ass for money?,
Sure, the prospect of exchanging your goodies, or baddies (and we’re not just talking sex, but any sort of sexual activity) for goods still carries stigma, and the feminist positions for and against are as numerous and complicated as the positions in the Kama Sutra., ( i have just updated that, and discovered some new positions, e mail me for furter details,
Well, if you cant beat them, join them.. ).But the more attention the topic gets on the national stage, the less it stays a dirty little secret.
This is a funny, but typical debate which is asked in some form or another along these lines.. similar to the age old dilemma of would you sleep with someone you didnt know for a million pounds..
The other day my friends & I were playing would you rather… Be homeless OR Sell your body. It was a 50/50 split. This is one of those silly debates that puts more liberal outlooks on one side & conservatives on the other.
But the way i see it is this...
Most Girls have become increasingly aware of the power they exhibit over the basic male, and one has to only look around the of Dubai to see how common this oldest of all professions is booming.. Its recession proof...
This age old debate will rage for an eternity, but as the recession bites deeper and harder, and that is not a Euphemism for a blowjob technique, the allure of easy cash, clothes, nice car, etc, for no strings attached rolls in the hey, becomes ever more desirable, and as long as there enough desperate men out there who are wlling to part with daft amounts of cash for cold, calculated sex, with very average looking women, this profession really is recession proof.
These girls go hard for their paper, and take no prisoners..but serve an honest service, as opposed to the hunting predator, dress'd up as loving wife, which is a different animal altogether

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