Monday, January 26, 2009

Update on Obama Blog & the Samiad

Jude, very impressive, but we were there to play golf, not to build illustrious
palaces in the bunkers.

Ti's Monday, 26Th of JAN 2009

Good afternoon ladies & germs,

A very quick one today, in response to the Obama seduced optimists..

I am willing to concede that i am a huge conspiracy theorist, and all my observations, statements, research for the last 15 years is a result of my paranoia and brainwashing from the dis infomationalists, IFFFFF.. the world after another 2 to 3 years becomes a peaceful, loving place to live, with economic hardship drifting into obscurity, and a booming happy environment for the next generation thriving...

With sovereign states retaining their status, and not becoming a part of the global push for a one world government, army, and currency, all controlled by a single world banking system, which if you cant see with your own eyes is happening, I will change my name to John Le shitski by deed pole, stand on my head naked with a huge hard on whilst singing Star spangled banner in the middle of the shoreline beach on a weekend, then, for an encore i will insert or attempt to insert my fist in my Arse....

On the other hand,( and not the one i will use for the above act of self harm)) if my vision and Obama Modus operandi proceeds the way i have forecast, and the world is pushed towards a new world order, with this global big brother agenda, being introduced on the back of more theatrical wars, more bogey men flashed across your screens, like Bin Laden/Saddam/ et al to collectively brainwash the masses with a constant barrage of key words like Weapons of mass destruction... Al Queda..... terrorists, like a mantra on a continual loop from the Illuminati controlled media empires, to justify more and more attacks on countries which possess assets that the USA need to retain economic supremacy. You will see a media frenzy against Pakistan, with news events depicting terrorist cells causing chaos throughout the region, with car bombs, suicide bombers, etc, and a fresh claim that Pakistan is harbouring Bin Laden, holed up in some obscure cave, but has state of the art equipment which the CIA cant trace, whilst controlling and funding terrorist camps and Al Queda operations the world over, and he is in bed with all the Pakistani no gooders plotting the destruction of the western world.. The CIA/NSA/MI5 can read the time from my wrist watch from any country in the world via super spy satellites, but cant pick up Mr Laden's whereabouts, nor track his communications trail...Maybe he's using carrier pigeons to fool the might of the western secret services, or maybe, just maybe, it has fuck all to do with him, and like Saddam, he is a mere patsy, the mythical Bogey man needed to substantiate another attack on a country outstripping the USA economically, and a great need to destabilize the whole India/Pakistan/AND China region, which is in fact there real target for destabilization.... I know this is a scary doomsday scenario, but a very real possibility in the next few years in my humble opinion, OK, not so humble, but my opinion never the less, and i will be very happy to announce myself as a conspiracy theorist if none of the above materializes within 2 years from today..
Whilst we are talking politics, i truly believe that The Illuminati/bilderberger/tri-lateral commisionist and our ex prime minister, The lying, deceitful, fuck stick...Tony Blair will be heading up a European government, which will be introduced sooner, rather than later, which again will be a stepping stone towards a world governing body...The one world, new world order my friends is not a dream or conspiracy, this is where they are taking us..Blair was happy to leave a sinking ship, and hand the reigns of power over to Brown, knowing full well, this personality zombie would fail miserably to revive an already fucked UK, which in turn would elevate Blair unopposed into the head seat of the European super state..
Mark my words, this will happen, and if not, i want only this....The doubters out there, like SLICE, and many others of my closed minded friends and believers of what sky/cnn/fox/bbc., and the daily papers tell them, and believe the shit that is no more than a programmed illusion....But, when my vision turn out to be a reality i Want you doubting Thoma's to say....

You Know what John Tomas.... you were right all along
....( Also i have no desire whatsoever to be placing my fist where the sun has never shone)..nor revealing to the residents on the palm, a Johnson the size of a babies arm, holding a plum..... whilst stood on my head.....Sorry ladies, and for the gay guys reading, my apologies extend to you also.. You see, an equal opportunity's writer.)

OK, quick story.

Dusted the old golf clubs down couple of days ago and headed to the creek with a couple of mates from my home town back in the UK...

In keeping with the tradition of this blog, i will give these guys an alias.

Jude Law, who is a regular down here, but not a resident, and Tom Thumb who is.

Jude law turned up with a bucket and spade, and not the normal clubs one associates with golf, which i found odd, but became abundantly clear. as he spent more time in the sand hacking wildy than Pamela Anderson and David The HOFF Hasslehoff rehearsing for an episode for baywatch...(EUREKA, now i know the significance of the tight red shorts). which , sorry mate for laughing, was fucking hilarious...

The object of the game is to get the ball from the tee to the whole in the least amount of shots Jude, not to build a sand castle and shake hands with the sand fairy's, in every bunker on the course..

And Tom Thumb, a grown man ,played reasonable well considering he used a set of clubs from toys r us.. which still looked big in his tiny hands...TOM...(is a dwarf someone with proportionate arms and legs size to his head, although vertically challenged, or is that a midget)... As I need to stay factual and pc here.... Let me know please..cheers..

Anyway, I took the money, but was great fun to be back out there....jude,( the samiad) and Tom...Both different class.. much love., thank you and goodnight..

until the next time..


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