Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sorry Guys, But im about to burst your bubble

Tis 22nd Jan.. 2009..
Thursday 4.04 am
and once again burning the midnight oil.

Oh dear Oprah, how will you cope when reality dawns? But, then, will it ever??

'What!!!!? You mean you're not the Lord?, or the second messiah with a good sun tan..

Little light hearted humour to start proceedings ,

But the majority of this Blog will be written with a huge element of seriousness, as the topic demands a very serious look onto effectively what as i can only describe as Potentially horrendous, with implications for the free world beyond comprehension, as The majority of the world are swept away in a state of Euphoria, last seen in the days of the Hitler youth rally, and we all know what happened there..... (actually, maybe you don't, but I'm not a history teacher, so google the fucker and educate yourselves)

So, with that in mind, lets take a look at our 44Th President, but i will take the gloves off and deliver the hurt..

Those of a nervous disposition, look away now, OR THOSE OR CANT DEAL WITH REALITY

I watch with dismay as vast numbers of people across the world, including many who should know better, have been duped by the mind-game called Operation Obama.

An as for Obama's wife, Michelle, who I wouldn't trust to tell me the date in a calendar factory, said that 'everything begins and ends with hope'. Utter nonsense. Hope is a meaningless emotion because its fruits are always in the future and, by definition, never in the NOW, which is where we need it most, and drastically.
Will give you an example.

'I'm hungry, mum, can I have some hope, please?'
'I'm so sorry, darling, you can't have hope today, only tomorrow - hope is always tomorrow.'
'So will I eat tomorrow, mum?'
'We can hope so now, dear, but when we get to tomorrow, we can only hope it's the next day.'
On and on it goes. That's how 'hope' works. Or rather doesn't... Getting the picture..

They don't want him to be seen only as 'the Messiah'; they also want him to be Abraham Lincoln, JFK, or Buddha - anyone you choose to project on him, for he is a blank page, blank screen and empty suit. Obama is a make-your-own, do-it-yourself leader, a projection of your own mind. (If you are still asleep, that is. If you are in any way awake, he's an open book.)

There is no more powerful way of manipulating people than to tell them what they want to hear and to keep shtum about anything they wouldn't like. Double-glazing salesmen are trained to pick up in general conversation what their target likes and dislikes and to respond accordingly in
the way the product is sold.

The technique is simply to tell the potential buyer what you have gleaned they want to be told.
Obama comes from the same stable, but on a massively bigger scale and with a whole network of advisers and controllers steeped in the art of manipulating minds, opinions and actions.

Obama's written-for-him speeches are not from the heart, but from the autocue. The 'heart' bit comes from extensive training and his Bill Clintonesque ability to 'mean it when he says it', a state of delivery that goes beyond mere acting.

Tony Blair , the lying fucking toe rag , terrorist, and Cock sucker of his Zionist paymasters., as i like to remember him as,was trained in the same way.

But if you take a step back and look at these people dispassionately you can clearly see the techniques they consciously employ. Blair ( the cock smoker) is the most blatant fraud in the way he delivers a line, stops in mid-sentence for emphasis and looks down for fake emotional effect. Obama is a little more slick, but, from where I have been looking this past year, not much. And how have people not seen those cold eyes just above the painted smile?

You can watch his mind working, turning between autocue screens to his left and right, then straight down the camera for his key messages. From-the-heart orators don't do that; they are too immersed in what they are feeling and saying to give even a passing thought to where they are looking or how the line is delivered.

Obama's speeches are a mass of mind-control techniques and Neuro-Linguistic-Programming, or NLP, and they are carefully constructed to implant beliefs and perceptions into the mind of the viewer.

Obama is far more dangerous than Bush because he can sell a line to those who are in the trance while Boy Bush could not do that on anything like the same scale. , In fact if Bush had found a brain cell it would have died of loneliness and was a transparent idiot with no communication skills who needed massive fraud at the polls to get him officially 'elected'.,and if brains were dynamite, he would not have possessed enough to blow his fucking cowboy hat off..

He could never be the figurehead to inspire a mass movement of the people to support some vacuous 'hope', 'change' and 'believe' when they don't even know what those words are supposed to mean...

I for one will miss the jabbering idiot, who was entertaining, but a complete embarrassment to his lizard father, whose reptilian blood is struggling to stay hidden these days.., and the nation, apart from the good oll, '' fuck them queers and nigga's''rednecks who adored him..... Wonder why..
The Illuminati controllers, who, and lets have this right, control Obama, AND ALL OTHER LEADERS.. will be anxious to squeeze every minute from Obama's honeymoon period and we can expect to see events move quickly after his inauguration in January.. More wars, economic hardship, extreme foreign policy etc etc..

How can a man calling for more troops, including European troops, to be sent to Afghanistan be against war? He has also said he is prepared to bomb Pakistan and use military force to stop Iran building nuclear weapons and he has appointed Hillary 'Let's bomb 'em' Clinton (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations) as Secretary of State and re-appointed Bush's 'Let's bomb 'em' Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates (Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations). So that's the 'change we can believe in', then.. nottttt!!!!

Mark my words, he will implement the draft via a stepping stone technique, 1st by insisting on compulsory community service, and then the full draft to fight the wars the usa will engage in to try to hold on to worldwide dominance....1000's of lives will be sent to the deaths in pursuit of money and power, and little, no, scrub that, zero to do with peace and unity

' Good old Mr. Clean' Obama has a deeply dirty background, but for now, no scale of evidence will stop the swooning Obama zombies from believing the hype or burst their reality bubble. That is going to take hard experience and it could take some time and a lot of disappointment before they are released from the clutches of cognitive dissonance and have to admit to themselves they have been had.

It is the same for all the black people who voted for what they thought was the first black president when, in truth, he is a man in a black mask representing the interests of the white-faced Illuminati cabal, the very families and networks that ran the slave trade.

I don't want to be the bringer of bad news or the thwarter of dreams, but honesty demands it. The man is a trickster controlled by super tricksters. A sock puppet controlled by bigger sock puppets who serve an even greater and darker evil.

To his masters, Obama is just a means to an end and if it suits them to assassinate him to trigger civil war and upheaval in the United States then that is what they will do, as they did Lincoln and Kennedy to accelerate the new world order agenda

I can understand the appeal of Obama because people want him to be what he claims to be, but isn't. We are sick of the conflict, the corruption, the struggle we call 'life' and they, us ,the masses, and sheeple, which is what the majority are.. SHEEP, WHO FOLLOW WITHOUT ASKING WHY. want it all to change.

But Obama's change is illusory and represents only the continued transformation of society in the image envisaged by George Orwell in that wonderfully optimistic book 1984....

We will see some apparently good things announced, like the closing of Guantanamo, to give the impression that Obama means what he says. But keep your eye on the ball and you'll see how the agenda of the global tyranny is introduced under the guise of Obama's 'hope', 'change', 'believe', 'sacrifice' and 'coming together'.

It could take two years, maybe much more, before cognitive dissonance (lying to yourself) loses it current grip on the minds of the Obama faithful. Until then they will make endless excuses for him (lie to themselves) to keep the 'dream' alive.

But one day they will have to admit, by the power of the evidence before them, that they bought a dream and got a nightmare. What a pity they can't see the obvious now and save them themselves such painful disappointment, and i will let history be my judge and jury on my views held here..

For the record,i am not a racist, but a realist, who does not deal in fantasy, or euphoric emotion caused by a false prophet.....

In fact, i keep having this re-occurring dream where I'm walking through central park at night, and this huge black fella jumps out of the bushes, with a gun, and puts it to the side of my head, and i think Fuck it, this is my time, but to my dismay, as I'm about to hand over all monies, phones, cool aid, watermelons..etc..corn grits, and any cotton wool i got on me, he says,

'' Hell nooo, you is gunna suck my motha fucking Dick'', and he whips out this thing, which is more like a bat, than a cock, and im forced on my knee's....
At that point, i wake up ,always at that part in a cold sweat, so heaven knows what happens after that, but i will certainly wont be eating any cheese late at night, and no, that's not a metaphor, i mean real cheese which lends itself to vivid and extended dreams... I dare'nt..... Who the fuck knows what degrading acts that gorilla will force me to do....

I will bite the fucker off and beat him to death with it, if i have my way, but will let you know if i stay asleep long enough...

Until the next time..... ''its been emotional''


  1. Well, im hoping that your wrong, and the world not so sinister.
    Time will tell,but still made me laugh in sections

  2. Very contrarian views Mr Tomas.. But much food for thought, and its nothing new to me this growing view on worldwide conspiracy..I hope your wrong also, but i have a horrible feeling you could well be right.

  3. Very interesting article, well written, with much to think about, but funny as hell..Will be watching with interest

  4. Just adore your style. I love them

  5. Food for thought there. Hope your wrong


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