Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good news for Palm swimmers

Tis 18th of jan, 2009

Its daft o clock in the morning, and your intrepid explorer is back on the Palm after long sabbatical and time spent freezing one's Privates off in the UK, where the daily temperature never got above freezing, which begs the question, '

'When will global warming do the Brits a favour, and start producing a mild mediterranean climate''... I dont know about you, but i would welcome a shift in climate which would allow the UK to bask in weather more akin to the south of Spain, but the only species i can see who are being affected by this are the Polar bears who now wear sun glasses and factor 16 before stretching out with a good mag, and some type of fish dish

And there is not a 4x4 to be seen within 2000 miles, So Gordon Brown and his band of faschist wanna be dictators, shut the fuck up with your lies about global warming being caused by motor vehicles, and tell the truth...

Its all to do with natural sunspot activity, and a natural occurence we go through on Earth since time began.. Right, geography lesson over, back to the humour..

Ok, good news for the male cast of Palmenders who swim on the shoreline beach.

An interesting species of Jelly fish has been spotted, and get this..

It has some very interesting properties..

This a particular species of jelly fish which when stings the man, gives him a prolonged erection. For upto 8 hours, which will rival a double dose of Viagra, It is called the Irukandji Syndrome. and the active ingredient in the sting is called ,mycoxafloppin...The side effects of the sting, besides the erection are - severe pain, a potentially fatal rise in blood pressure and severe cerebral hemorrhaging.

Doctors are working on ways to relieve the pain but to keep the swelling,

SO guys, who's 1st in the water...

Michael, that will be you then.. Actually, i wonder why you left the water shouting and screaming yesterday, but with a sundial at 90 degrees stretching those tiny swimming briefs... OOOH, SUITS YOU SIR..

Until the next time.., WATCH OUT FOR THOSE STINGERS, could be embarressing, crying but at the same time sporting a foot long, well for you Connor, a fun size mars bar...


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