Monday, January 19, 2009

Men and Women... The battle of the sex's..

Tis 19Th Jan..... 2009....

Welcome once again to the world according to me..

OK, i know i have covered this topic a few times, but its a particular favourite of mine, so Fuck it, my blog, my choice of topic..

So lets start with the basic concept of woman perception of that old age tradition, '' Chivalry''.

, Well, you can forget that, as chivalry is well and truly dead, certainly in Dubai, and you wanna know why...... ''WOMEN AROUND THESE PARTS HAVE FUCKING KILLED IT''

You see, the reason why you get no respect from the locals, is because, I'm afraid, its all to easy for these hypocrites, who believe its there god given right to screw who the fuck they want, because ''THAT'S WHAT THEY DO'', get used to it,... ''baby, i was only fucking these girls, but i make love to you, its sooo different,'' and guess what, you believe this shit... Morons, wake up and smell the coffee, Your men are screwing around, because that's what they do, and have not evolved high enough up the food chain to realise what they do, hurts people......specifically YOU!!.

BUT, listen up, lets get deeper here and assess the fundamental differences of the sexes..

Whats important to Women, it would appear, is Material, and whats important to men is, guess what.. Women.....

Let me give you an example.... Men have nice cars, why...?? because dumb ass, they know that women like nice cars.. That's how it works... Men are hunters, and cars have become the bait.. I don't know a girl in Dubai who does not go soft and unnecessary at the promise of driving stick in a lambo or f430 spider....

Woman comes up to you as your leaving any host of sleazy clubs in Dubai, and says, ''nice Ferrari, Porsche etc''.... and the man smiles and says, ''Gotcha , biatch, get in''....That's how it works, and girls, you are to blame here, to predictable by a fucking mile... Make them work for it at least... If pussy was a stock on the worlds financial markets, it would be plummeting, as to much available, its everywhere

and no scarcity value..

Go to a woman's house, and i guarantee it will be tastefully decorated and her surroundings will be as comfortable as her budget allows... That's why a guy will facilitate this for you.. He would fuck you in a cardboard box if he could, and wouldn't even buy a house if he thought he could get away with the cardboard version.... OK, I'm exaggerating here, but you get my point Ladies..

This brings me on to self esteem, and women's magazines, with a different article every week by some women giving you advise on men, and the problem here is, they don't know what the fuck they are talking about, that's foooo reallllll.... Listen up, one article i saw was entitled

100 ways to please your man.... lol... Get the fuck outta here.... That list has 96 to many....

Your average neanderthal wants just 4.... Suck his dick, lick his balls, make him a sandwich after, and most important.. Don't talk so much, and that's it.... He's happy...

Then the same mag starts chipping away at your self esteem, by telling you , your overweight, your clothes aren't good enough, page by page, gnawing away at your fragile ego, until you forget the truth and that is this, How fucking beautiful you really are.....

Guess what, its men who edit these magazine articles on which you base your fragile ego's... And they know how vulnerable they make you, and therefore how easy it is to victimise you into believing your not worthy of some sleazy lebo/ Arab pimp daddy, who buys you a nice handbag or dress after knocking the back out of you on the first night after 400 finishes, but then systematically destroys your self confidence and keeps you are prisoner, whilst he screws anything with a pulse.... WAKE UP GIRLS, stop volunteering for this shit, and then complaining like a victim..

And its getting confusing out there for the sexes, let me elaborate..

The Guys will be out having a few drinks and some girl walks past and she is looking hot..

Not hot or good in a classical way, but in that way where half her arse is hanging out of that skirt and the breasts are all up in her face, and one of the guys makes a comment unbecoming...

The Women, then stops, spins around and says..

''AH HAAA, NO O YOU DIDN'T JUST PASS COMMENT ON MEEEE'', in a ghetto stylee.... ''just because I'm dressed this way, does not give you the right to assume I'm a whore', ....and your right, gentlemen, just because they dress a certain way, does not make them a certain way, but Ladies... Understand this, its real confusing for these single cell beings who you are attracting..

Example, imagine I'm dressed as a cop on my way to a fancy dress party and a woman in distress runs up to me and says ''officer, help me I've just been robbed'', oh really, well don't assume that just because i dress a certain way make me a police officer..., You understand what I'm saying... Lady your not a whore, but you are wearing a whores uniform.... LOL...


Another example of Venus and Mars.

When guys talk, and relays a happening ,its all about , when, how and why...

With Women, my God, its the whole nine yards.


For fuck sake, get on with it.... spit it out.. its like death by a 1000 cuts when you girls tell a story,

Relentless detail.... Tip.... MEN ARE NOT INTERESTED.. ATTENTION SPANS OF SOMEONE WITH ALZHEIMER'S... remember that, and maybe, just maybe, your relationship will prosper..

Understand, men are cave dwellers, not physciatrists

Another example...

The guy will be sitting down, reading the paper, or watching TV, and the women will come in and say.. '' we need to talk'',, dramatically demonstrating with her eyes and body language all is not well... the man is shouting Fuck, not out loud, but inside, because he knows, she needs to talk about something he needs to do, and never something she needs to do, that's the rules..

Bottom line... You want respect from the guys around Dubai, then start respecting yourselves, and remembering your respective roles in society, and make them work hard for their bounty. Remember girls, you control the game, always have. always will, and the power of the pussy, is the ultimate power, remember that, and you will regain control of the game called life....

Until the next time.

May the palm be with you


  1. I laughed till i wet myself, and the girls around that area must be full of self esteem.

  2. Why are more people not aware of this wonderfull blog. Best kept secret on the net


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