Saturday, February 19, 2011


First up, I am happy that the last blog had such a good response, and that the material, for most was comical and spiritual enough for the tree huggers to get moist over, so for that I thank you all. You see, I am an equal opportunity abuser and appeaser in equal and unbiased measures.

Now this brings me to today's blog and what I have been thinking lately, and age once again found its way into my frontal lobe this afternoon as I was attending a birthday party of a man so old, the candles cost more than the cake and we had to call Red Adair to put them out for fear of the house going up in smoke.. and I made an interesting correlation between this blog material and last weeks. I got to thinking that age does not and cannot protect you from LOVE, but, LOVE will certainly protect you from age, and for those that find that too deep or profound, or new age nonsense, then may I suggest ''Americas got talent'' has just started where a man performing deep throat, balls and all on himself is available for your viewing pleasure. I knew the David shuttleHoff could do that!!! Way to go Hoff... and indeed that's a special talent, and in fact could well render the female of the specie obsolete. Although my brother can also do that, but stays married, so maybe just a myth??

Joking aside, the L word needs no explanation and if you think the perfect lover is one who turns into a pizza at 4:00 A.M after a vat of cheap alcohol and copious amounts of class 'A' cut to shit crap, then again, Hoff is just about to give himself a happy ending, so I bid ye farewell to you guys as well..... For those who need no explanation for life's only truth then read on........

T'IS THE 19TH OF FEB..2011

Are happiness, positivity and love interconnected?

Well, I certainly think so, and the above is the true holy trinity, for me anyway, and as this is my vehicle to express such thoughts, then express I will. How can one over exaggerate the importance of happiness. Without it, life sure becomes one long struggle, and the moment man loses touch with it, he is no longer alive and has for all intent and purposes become a breathing corpse. Its our sole aim and objective and its within all of us, but sadly a vast amount of poor sods have been disconnected from this reality and the pursuit of happiness has become the elusive hunt for the holy grail, because the word itself has been lost in translation as we ascertain our existence with material pleasures which have no depth. Man mistakes pleasure for happiness continually and they are a different breed of animal.

OK I get excited like anyone else with the thrill of driving at warp speed in a Ferrari, or riding a roller coaster for the first time, but like all Pleasures, the thrill is short lived, and we are back to earth with a bump as reality bites and we realize that 5 Min's of fun is just that, a blink of an eye, whereas true happiness arises from somewhere else, from the enjoyment of one's self, deep within the core of our existence, and self love is vital, for you cannot love others without first loving yourself, and this is has no correlation with ego based love, but an appreciation of who we are..from best friends who we genuinely want the best for and love without conditions, and the treasured conversations of a few select enlightened souls who share the same frequency and dimension without effort or struggle, but shine , like beacons as they radiate pure love for one another, and the ironic thing about it all is the happiest people seem to be those who have no particular cause for being happy except they just are so!! and ironically again those who continually seek it, miss it by a country mile and those who constantly discuss it, lack it also..( SO THIS WILL BE ONE AND ONLY BLOG ON THE MATTER, BEFORE YOU SMART ARSES POINT OUT THE OBVIOUS).

Happiness is not a pursuit, its a birth rite, and if you pursue it you'll never find it and being happy is never stopping to think if you are or not!.Just by being an empathetic soul, with love and compassion in your hearts and doing good for others you will find happiness running after you, and the universe is a wily old fox and knows very well the difference between giving with love and without conditions, and giving to receive, which is truly worlds apart!!

Happiness is cat like and strangely enough can be applied to many Women as well. Try coaxing or calling either of them, or bothering either and they are likely to /will avoid you like a dose of the clap, or worse !"but pay them no attention and go about your business, content and confident in yourself, you'll find them both jumping into your lap, and dry humping your legs. Getting the picture????Don't waste your time searching or convincing yourself you are indeed happy, or spend countless hours comparing this or other moments in the past with the present, which you cannot enjoy because you then find you are comparing them to probable future events which have yet to happen.Its all nonsense.,..The now is the only thing that you should be living in and allow all else to happen. This wonderful planet we inhabit is us and we are her like a giant looking glass which gives back to every person the reflection of their own face and thoughts.Frown at it and she will turn sourly on you, but laugh with her, love with her and she truly becomes a beautiful companion. Be loving, be kind, treat others as you yourself like to be treated, and the world becomes what you are.

There is no magic station where one attempts to get off, but its a manner of constant travel without a definitive destination, so enjoy the scenery on this momentous, perpetual journey and let it happen, and stop bloody questioning this state of consciousness.Its in our blood to be suspicious of happiness, because we are caught up in this perceived illusion that has been created for us, which is based on control and manipulation of our minds, which is a problem in itself, as the mind will always detract you from whats real, and will lead you away from what really is real..

We spend our lives craving control and to possess and keep forever things which are essentially impermanent. This leads only to frustration, and the refusal to let go of this false desire is one of the immediate causes of personal suffering, and those who resist the waves are swept away, but he who bends and allows himself to let go will become part of the tide as he is picked up atop of the wave and carried to a higher plane.

The unknown is also a vehicle for great unhappiness and worry. It sends people scurrying around, chasing dreams, illusions, wars, peace, hate, love, or the perception of it. Unknown is what it is, accept that, and its plain sailing... Stop trying to control and let it happen. Life is not a spread sheet with theories and complex algorithms.Love will guide you, and its the poetry of the senses and we are all born for loving, its our principle of existence and take it away or neglect or deny it and our earth becomes a tomb.

My life has apparently no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out, and those who tell me this are rich, lost and emotional retards whose emotional intelligence would rival that of a rocking chair, whose characteristics are all shallow, and meaningless, talking of revenge and pay back and the next million pound deal at the expense of someone else.. I thought it was only Women who pretend to forgive a man, but then reheat his sins for breakfast every fucking Nope, we men are very apt at the resentment, which is akin to drinking poison and waiting for you enemy to die. Pretty pointless hey??Or another way to describe it is to grasp a hot coal with the intent of throwing at someone else, knowing only you will end up getting burned..

Happiness.. What am I doing right??... Well they say a man doesn't know what happiness is until he's married. By then it's too late!! and he has done half his dough as he realizes that decision making wasn't the smartest.

So to recap, and joking aside once again. love and happiness are intrinsically linked, and we know by now when I say love, I do not mean attachment, nor possession of another, but unconditional and pure, like a parent has for their son or daughter and the heart that has truly loved like this will never forget the only real thing that exists , and its the most powerful force in the universe. Ok it will break your heart at times, and render you vulnerable as that organ goes walk about outside your body without a safety net, but you are alive, and you know whats real and what is just an act.. There is a galaxy of difference of thinking and knowing you are both happy and in love and in turn loved back.. Its that which will save humanity and unite all as one and its coming, this age of Aquarius, the knowing age is hurtling towards us, so let her in and embrace each other and start living for today displaying care and kindness for all sentient beings, and let go of those false emotions which the mind construct has created for you.. The bags, the cars, the clothes, the jewelery, the housemaids, nannies and all other ancillary noise, They are just illusions of necessity which you believe essential in the pursuit of happiness..WRONG!! These are egoic possessions which give you a false sense of power, but its just that.. A false sense.

Right, enough for today, as this topic could fill, and it does, whole libraries.

In the immortal words of Vinnie Jones///''Its been emotional''

Now, for today's observation and a little light hearted humor.

Observation 1..

I fucking hate banks and what they stand for and how they operate, and can sum up very easily what they do. A bank is an institution who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain which in a nutshell is the standard modus operandi, nuff said about these greedy parasites.

Observation 2..

A recent survey I read, stated that the average person's greatest fear after telling the wife she's looking old in that dress, or to keep the light off when you are doing her from behind, is having to give a speech in public. Somehow this ranked even higher than death which was third on the list. So, you're telling me that at a funeral, most people would rather be the guy in the coffin than have to stand up and wax lyrical about the poor bastard lying as stiff as my morning glory in that 6ft pine box???? That's odd wouldn't you say.

Observation 3..

We as a family and by that I mean my blood family are recognized for a few skills, and one of them is the ability to dance, and I put it down to this. Growing up in a small 3 bed house with one bathroom and 8 thirsty people fighting for the throne, You learn to dance, or piss your pants, one of the two...

Observation 4..
Ever wonder about people who spend £2 apiece on those little bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backward... E.V.I.A.N Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Really very good my friend. Great subject and this is growing worldwide. I just feel it all the time. Loved it

  2. wow. Thats about all I can say. AWESOME BUDDY

  3. I like that you can write about deep and stupid and make it equally compelling. Funny, smart man. Rare breed, especially looking like you do, if indeed that is you in the picture.You appear to have it all Tomas.???

  4. That made me think a lot, and its not easy to apply those parameters to life at times.But the message of love is beautiful. You have a nice soul, and I know you have a wicked sense of humor and appear angry at times, i love your passion and intelligence. And like Rebecca, you are HOT!!!!

  5. VUNDERBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I Also Think You Could Make Vicky And Rebecca Very Happy With A
    Ménage à Trois
    So Enjoy My Friend.

  7. Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoyed every second of that JT

  8. loved it. Thankyou for sharng.


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