Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ageism and Humour ...

Sat alone last week i contemplated writing a blog on the ever increasing shift in consciousness which has enveloped the planet and the awakening from this deep slumber which has kept humanity firmly entrenched within this emotional prison without bars, five sense reality, which resonates on such a narrow frequency, and was actually excited about explaining the levels of differing dimensions which surround us, but are unable to tune into, due to the dense frequency of this illusionary reality we perceive as fact.

But, I turned the TV on and Madonna was cavorting about the stage in a very revealing pair of shorts and decided to have a butchers.( Hows that for polarity).
With me in the room was my girlfriend and two of her Latvian hotties who are staying with me for a week, plus a couple more friends whose company i enjoy immensely.

Anyway, whilst having a good look at Madge simulating various positions of the Karma Sutra, one of my friends stated, as the iconic sex symbol dropped into side splits and a very tidy camels toe seemed to be on display; ''Really, she should know better at her age!!''

''Better what'?' I replied, which started an in depth, and often hilarious debate about age, and Ageism, and how we live in an age obsessed culture.

Greetings, T'is the 26th of January, 2011.

Before I continue, may I express in defence of Madonna and her over sized genitalia, there is nothing wrong with as Borat so eloquently stated, having ''A sleeve of Wizard'', and to be honest, I rather enjoy Merlin's cloak wrapped around my ears on a cold winters night, so to all those Women out there who are concerned with getting a snip and a tuck down there, DON'T!!. It's like slapping God in the face and you don't want to piss the all knowing all seeing omnipotent MYTHICAL creature up there playing his harp and stroking his wand...

So, old is the new young, and growing old disgracefully has to be the way forward. Well it is for me, and remaining Peter Panesque is the elixir of youth, well, that and laughter, which as we all know is the best medicine ever made, complimented by small doses of growth hormone, but that's another story.

We are, as a society consumed with age, and its not because I am now just entering my fourth decade why I have chosen to highlight this fact, I have always wondered why this strange phenomena exists. Why the fuck does it matter, unless you are a cheese or a wine? How old would we be if we had no birth records or passports to remind us? Exactly, ageless. I think this obsession with age and the secrecy which surrounds it comes from the ego and fragile insecurities of the female. Think about it.
Consumed with how many years they have existed, and are incapable of telling the truth once past 37. If you really want to know how old a Woman is, ask her sister in law, ;) and the years that she subtracts are never lost, they are added to the ages of other Women, i kid you not...( Thirty is a nice age for a Woman.Especially if she happens to be 42).

Oscar Wilde once stated.'' Never trust a woman who tells you her real age, a woman who does would tell anything''. An amusing statement agreed, but Surely Old Oscar was to busy receiving large portions of gentleman sausage to have taken note of such profound thoughts...

I have a more basal concept than Oscar W. Most women are as old as they look before breakfast, and I know plenty who look great at dusk and with the light behind them and the dimmer switch turned way down low..... :)
Ladies, I know this is unfair, but we males just seem to age better, or is it again society has tricked us into believing we do. Unlike yourselves, the three ages of man are, youth, middle age, and ''You're looking wonderful!!''
opposed to the three ages of Women which are, Babe, middle aged bored housewife, and driving Miss Daisy.. Don't shoot the messenger here, I am just telling it as it is and for the record i don't agree with all of it, only 99.95%
Ladies, fight it all you want, and I don't care if your plastic surgeon is top of your Xmas card list and you swap flirty texts with him.. For all the advancement in medicine, there is no cure for the common birthday..
I know 1000's of women, and age to them is like Kryptonite to Superman and it shouldn't be like this. I love Women in the forties as long as they look in their thirties, so don't panic, its all good.

Joking aside, we are obsessed with numbers. Every newspaper article describes in detail the age of things and are pointlessly attached to all and sundry.
Mr Joe Blow 43 with his daughter Tiffany,9 were chasing a rabbit, 2 when they tripped over a root of a tree 126, and both received 7 stitches, performed by a young nurse,19 with only 6 months experience.

you see, ingrained into our psyche. It's almost like being punished for a crime you did not commit, and no one escapes. It will eventually happen to every single occupant who checks out from this mortal coil barring a premature demise.Therefore
we should all revere age and respect it, like other cultures do. The Japanese for instance mend broken objects by filling in the cracks with gold because they believe that when somethings suffered damage and has a history
it becomes more valuable and beautiful.Any society that fails to recognise this and does not learn to value its older citizens is plainly off their fucking rockers!!.We are all getting older, so ageism is like Turkeys voting for Christmas, think about it.
It's our own ignorance and fear which is the root cause. A dread of our own deterioration and mortality adds to the fears and revulsion of old people who are constant reminders of the inevitability which is unavoidable.Maybe that why suicide rates among the middle aged is on the increase, and dying young and leaving a good looking corpse is the reasoning behind it.
Role model celebrities do nothing to ease the situation either, nor a society obsessed with physical beauty and a media which pays no credence to the real beauty of the soul within a person.
None fear the ageing process more than celebrities or wannabe socialites whose whole social standing depends on the misconstrued perception of themselves, seen through the eyes of others. Its bullshit, without substance or merits, but never the less the shallow and empty just roll along, not truly understanding the nature of who we truly are at our source, and that this borrowed vehicle we call a body and skin stretched over a skeleton will soon be a distant memory, and back to dust we go from whence we came.. And then what. A vacuous space and a young soul that must come back again to evolve and grow and learn the importance of being, and not just existing in this illusory state of consciousness.

I have to laugh when I see today's celebrities paying collagen enhanced lip service to growing old gracefully but then hot foot it to their plastic surgeon to be nipped and tucked and liposuctioned within an inch of their lives before appearing on Oprah to share their sordid tales of sex and drug addictions, multiple marriages and partners and how many bottles of fine champagne they can bathe in, but how many will admit to having a face lift.. Lets face it, pretty much nobody, which seems strange, as everybody with a modicum of intelligence can see clearly, especially when our modern TVs will highlight every conceivable blemish, scar, and re arrangement ever made. Even funnier is the pema grin which I think was made famous by the Joker from the Batman stories where the skin has been pulled so fucking tightly that to blow there noses, they have to part their bloody hair... I have no issue with self improvement or surgery of any kind if it enhances ones own life, but not at the expense of losing touch with what's really important in life, and that is love and empathy and compassion for all sentient beings and not this fucking hierarchical class system based on total bullshit and illusion.

So welcome the bus pass and the wisdom which comes with an advancement in years and for all the Ladies out there battling with all things youthful. It's OK, There is good news after the menopause.The hairs on your legs begin to thin and get so light, no one will notice, which is great because it means you will more time to work on that new moustache and five o clock shadow which will greet you each morning... OOPS

Take care, and love each other.It's the only real thing which exists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Dear Studly Do-Right, It's all a simple matter of maintenance of which I am - a la Madonna - a splits-able example. - And anyone who doesn't believe me can bend down and kiss my pert XXX-year-old ass. XO Cyna

  2. Fucking genius, hilarious and pure joy to read. Best ever.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I laughed many times. Brilliant stuff Tomas

    They Still Haven't Found A Cure For Stupidity.

  5. The following definition and commentary is gleaned in its entirety from a single post featured at your favorite reference: Urban Dictionary:
    9. Misogynist 515 up, 344 down
    The Happy Misogynist wrote:
    "A man who thinks women are rational, intelligent human beings and expects them to act that way. Ken is a misogynist. He expects Barbie to pay for her half of dinner."
    [Poster continues w/ an anticipated response, etc.]
    Well, given the fact that Barbie makes 75 Cents for every Dollar that Ken makes (even though she has the same student loan to repay, the same qualification and experience) Ken IS in fact a misogynist if he expects Barbie to pay for her dinner when he asked her out.
    Also Ken expects Barbie to have a manicure, pedicure and a bikini wax twice a week. He expects her to be young and beautiful, so Barbie spends a shitload of money and time on anti-aging products, clothes and shoes.
    Conclusion: Barbie's life is more expensive because she has to buy shit to please Ken and life up to his expectations. Plus she makes less money.
    Therefore, Happy Misogynist, you are not only a misogynist but a person of inferior intelligence who cannot back up their ridiculous ill-founded opinions.
    Good Day, Everyone.
    [He italicized the following, to make it enchanting]
    If Ken asks Barbie out for a date, he pays gladly because he isn't a petty penny-pincher and because he understands the bitter reality of being a woman in a patriarchy. He is not a misogynist, but a humanist (= feminist). And Barbie will blow him for it.
    Peace out.
    My comment:
    They Still Haven't Found A Cure For Wankers.
    ;) Cyna

  6. That was a blog in itself Cyna. I wouldn't say Tomas was or is a myso. In fact, if you are well versed in his writing, he waxes lyrical often about them. He does enjoy sarcasm though, which is where I feel people get that opinion from. For the record, I am a female and I just adore his stupid humour and more importantly his soul, which is beautiful.

  7. lol, Gemma. Along with having ENJOYED reading all of his blogs, I also know that our own Ernest Palmingway is quite fond of Urban Dictionary, so copied and posted the annoyingly lengthy bit from its site. This awareness, coupled with my full acceptance that Captain Sandy Crack gets more than a few jollies whilst stirring the 'ol pot, doesn't mean I'll walk away from it when its content is pointedly provocative, however. Besides, I'll wager that he's just man enough to handle the ramifications - hence the above response and now, for your sake, a further clarification. In today's entertainingly desultory piece on 'ageism / plastic surgery,’ the old man and the sea has sprinkled just enough of the pungent spice of misogynism to make the boys laugh and perhaps a few women wince . Hmm, would I want MY guy to express similar comments? NO. But, that said, IF my guy told me that he disagreed with these remarks, I'd think him a liar! So, yes, I always appreciate a bit of that charming dash of frankness in fellas, but when doled out at this level – and fairly one-sided – I’m always moved to put a lid on the smoke and just cut to the bone of what's really at hand. As this renown GMWWLTF's commentary primarily focuses on women - of which I am one, and understand them pretty well - I'll get to the point and say precisely why I'm personally just so glad to be the type of woman who has absolutely no reason to rant in a parallel manner about the commonly recognized random silliness observable and experienced when in a certain proximity of aging or even hardly aging members of the opposite sex. As we all come to learn, one’s ability to get on peacefully in this life all boils down to his or her maintaining a calming sense of inner security and contentment. If you're happy with the very CORE of yourself - physically and emotionally - then you have no reason to run on about others, including the other gender! The thing is, at the end of the day, and likely no matter how AGE-D she gets - and unlike many blokes of similar scope - a woman who's done it all (as many are fond of reminding me that I certainly have) has the ability to breathe deeply in the blissful satisfaction of ALSO knowing that her precious pleasure zone retains a remarkable - shall we say 'unflappable' - ability to provide her with multiple out-of-body-experience type thrills, on demand, without the aid of tiny blue triangular pills or anything at all, actually.
    Now, Gems, would you label this last supercilious comment, by a woman - and as now lumped into the endlessly frothing bittersweet stew of how members of the opposite sex view and carry on about one another - as sexist, mildly inappropriate, sarcastic, misandristic (?), or just plain cold, mean, and insensitive? If your answer is yes to all of the above, then you'd be thinking that it's okay for a guy to make similar comments but not a woman. Should this be the case, then at least there's even more irony added to the mix, which is always the most sublime sense to carry when coming away from any reading. It's an element I should think His Palmenence would appreciate, in any case ... Cheers! Cyna

  8. Cyna, as English is not my first language it is hard for me to write what I mean, but like Gemma, I have been here since the start and abosuletley love this man and his sense of humour with his ability to also write about emotions and spirits in a unique way. I feel like I know him even though I nevr have meet him. I really feel that he writes to amuse and not to hurt and can imagine him laughing hard atthese reactions when after all he writes in a very unique way which I personally adoore. I am sure you also enjoy his hunmour. By the way, I really liked what ou wrote by the way.But to heavy for this site maybe. John Tomas. BRILLIANT AND SUCH SHAME YOU DONT WRITE AS MANY AS YOU DONE BEFORE

  9. Well, an interesting response from my readers, and I did laugh out loud at the Misogynist reference and the snippet from another site defining his stance. I could do a whole new blog on that topic alone, and don't really want to get into a debate through the comments section, so will make it short and sweet, pretty much like Hitler and Napoleon.. If a Woman feels the need to behave in a certain manner because of social pressures and mis aligned concepts, and to dress and feel good about herself and spends money beautifying herself for the sole enjoyment of her male partner, or to be appreciated by other Males of the species then she deserves the lack of respect and shallow compliments which nourishes her existence. That article is a clear demonstration of how this reality we perceive to be real is anything but, and only those who are removed from this fictitious constrict of the egoic mind will actually understand that.. It it matters not how many wonderful words are used to contest and debate a point of view, the angle I am coming from is based on anything but a battle of egoic minds having a pissing contest. For those who understand that No further writing is necessary. For those scratching their arseholes with a look of disdain whilst openly declaring.''What the fuck''. You're not ready!!! LOL...

  10. Well, that told them JT666. Great blog my man. Keep um coming, they brighten my day in a dreary world

  11. A pissing contest? i'll presume that's in ref to MY response, which as u know from being privy to my letters of complaint is par for the course in the way i react in writing - always over the top. (but to dub it a 'pissing contest' seems to shed yet more evidence on the existence of that overly sensitive male EGO. ) But I MUST ADD that i COMPLETELY agree and appreciate your emphasizing, in your last, that women shouldn't feel compelled to do this crap - so much of which is dangerous and fucking weird - in an attempt to please MEN < as most find even the relatively benign 5-inch spiked heels wholly absurd and laughable. AND I'M FINISHED!

  12. On the contrary Miss Cynic. There is no ego at all in that response, just more sarcastic humour to highlight a point of view. Therefore, its your own ego which has awoken and feels the need to defend itself in the perceived wake of an attack. There is nothing I can do about that,but once the real you has tamed that demonic entity, it will all become clear..LOL.. You do make me laugh though.
    To all others who are so complimentary, I thank you and very happy that you find what I write about amusing and interesting.

  13. look, i REALLLLLY don't want to reply AT ALL so kindly stop this incessant tit-for-tat provocation! lmao, btw, thank u SO MUCH for AWAKENING MY EGO! omg ... there's nothing to 'defend' here. so sorry if u see my ordinary comments as 'defensive' in tone . it's just that i have the acute perspective to CLEARLY see now the vast 'cultural' void - that british men are at least 50 years behind ... sniggering like schoolGIRLS at silly passe sophomoric comments made about women whilST <<archaic), similarly, their women find this sort of thing enchanting and cute and adorable and defend them! i just don't always feel like rubbing the head of a puppy dog that pisses on my pretty pedicured tootsies - That's all. I can't believe ur being such a baby - u r the one who introduced me to ur blog, and u leave the option open for 'comments,' and so i've read and have commented and it's all just that simple. don't read anything into it!! - don't bother psychoanalyzing these ordinary comments because ur WAY over the contents of ur precious skull! lmao -- and i swore i would NO WAY EVER come back and check this thing today but i was SUCKED IN because I just KNEW u - with ur over-inflated ego would just have to get the proverbial LAST WAHD. so show me how little ego u have and STOP. <betchacan't lol

  14. Hey JT, this Cyna has the hots for you. I work within the mental health zone and there is enough work with her for a whole team of us to remain busy for an eternity. Chillax Cyna, this guy has you dancing around on a piece of

  15. Really very good with good combination of humour and serious.

  16. "...and back to dust we go from whence we came. A vacuous space and a young soul that must come back again to evolve and grow and learn the importance of being, and not just existing in this illusory state of consciousness."
    I felt like I was floating somewhere between unreal worlds while reading your journey...

  17. Very poetic I agree laguna. He seems to have the talent to be both deep and silly at will.

  18. First one I have read after being told about it..Brilliant mate and funny as anything. A fan already

  19. fucking brilliant. funny as fuck


I encourage healthy debate, so please tell me your thoughts and appreciate the feedback