Saturday, March 20, 2010

The World at a glance.

OK, after my last blog raised the temperature and emotions some what, i have decided today not to target any particular demographic or person/persons, but rather i would take you on a whistle stop tour of my mind after collecting data from around the globe and processing it as only John Tomas can, but be warned, although this will not be attacking anyone topic, it will be politically incorrect on a magnificent scale,and those with a fragile constitution, or those who want to fight the good fight for the poor suffering minorities, and then phone me up, and subsequently hang up when the convo does not go their way, leave the blog here.. Lol... (You know i love you really).

Greetings, T'IS THE 19TH OF MARCH 2010

First up, and something i have often thought, but never mentioned until now.
Cheap fucking toilet roll, and why people buy this rubbish is beyond me. Personally, i hate the stuff and prefer the do it yourself colonic irrigation the toilets in Dubai afford you, with the powerful water jets which negate the need for this bane of humanity.. As long of course, you wash your hands afterwards, which I'm sure plenty of the locals in Dubai forget to do...My old man used to tell me, don't shake the right hand of an Arab, which at the time sailed right over my head, but now, makes perfect sense, so cheers DAD, another politically incorrect pearl of wisdom, but why the right in particular?.
Anyway, cheap toilet rolls, are found in service stations, collages, council houses, and pretty much anywhere where saving the pennies is a must. Listen, if you must skimp and save, please don't do it by buying this sandpaper. Case in point, when attempting to tear a sheet or two off, the fibers split apart and you are left holding two pieces of tracing paper effectively, and this will be repeated every time you repeat the act until you have a handful of this fucking paper in your hand, and due to the time already spent sat there, you know you shouldn't, but time is racing by, so you do what you have been programmed to do since you were toilet trained by your dear old mum, and shove it up your arse in an attempt to get the job done and get back to your date sat waiting for you, but unfortunately he/she will have to wait, as your fingers go straight through this flimsiest of material and get a handful of what you had for last nights supper, which is annoying to say the least, so you try again, and this time you leave half the roll up your arse as it tears and sticks like glue to a blanket, and now you are in right state, and you find yourself cursing the owner of the house/bar/cafe who has just become as popular as a ginger haired step-son, which is a horrific thought!!!! 10 Min's later after much wrestling and scrubbing of the hands you are good to go, and emerge from the bathroom flustered and make your way back to your man/Woman who you think has no idea whats just materialized in there , but are all to aware, as they themselves have been the victim on many occasions of this most unnecessary of trials and tribulations, but can so easily be avoided, if only the establishment purchased decent toilet paper, or better still, fit a do it yourself colonic..

Next up was a snippet i came across in my local paper, and it involved the French, which always grabs my attention as they fascinate me with their arrogance, down turned mouths but undoubted style.
I must say, this surprised me, as The cheese eating surrender monkeys are usually far to busy having affairs, complaining, or drinking copious amounts of Vino collapso to get involved with anything as banal as watching TV, but in a bizarre experiment Game show contestants, and the baying audience blindly obeyed orders to torture and kill each other to show the power that television has over the masses. These mindless robots masquerading as decent human beings thought they were taking part in a french quiz called the ''game of death'', which involved giving electric shocks to other players answering questions incorrectly. The contestants unknown to the audience were actors who repeatedly received these shocks until they appeared to die, whilst at the same time the audience whipped themselves into a frenzy chanting ''Punishment'' The experiment which was being aired last week was to show how manipulative power of television can push apparently normal people, although being French takes them out of that particular demographic, any nation which gets high on the legs of Frogs, and the consumption of slugs are as nutty as a squirrels dinner, but still, This shows how powerful TV can push humans to outrageous limits.The producer of this mind numbing fiasco said, ''We were amazed that 85% of the participants obeyed and enjoyed watching people being apparently tortured, which macabrely enough mirrored the same level of obedience the soldiers displayed whilst serving the third Reich in Nazi Germany which is wonderful news for the evolvement of the soul. Humanity has such a long way to go before critical mass is attained and empathy overcomes aggression and hostility towards one another, and the above shows how easily we are controlled by the media, and by those who control the media empires. Now that's over, the French can get back to making love, with anyone but their partners...Phew, normal service resumes in Gay Paree ..

Next on my list, but comes as no surprise to me when you understand how the game works. Tricky Bill,'' I am not a crook'' Clinton,( i know it was Nixon's statement, but works equally as well for slimy Bill) and the Boy, ''my dad made me do it'' Bush have teamed up to form a foundation for the poor suffering folk in Haiti.. Have they not suffered enough, without this satanic tag team running amok over there. Both these pedophiles, murdering fuck wits and satanists cause mayhem wherever they go, and i can only assume that they have spotted a few airstrips on google earth which will do very nicely as conduits to the mainland for their lucrative drug running exploits which they have been involved with ever since they ran for office and were made aware of the global agenda they must serve, and running drugs is very much part of the master plan and funds most of the covert operations to overthrow foreign governments which don't adhere to US policy, which is controlled by the Zionist Cabal. Deep, only scratching the surface i am afraid, but will do a long detailed blog another time on how deep the rabbit hole goes!!!... But its the Marianas trench, which to those educated enough in general knowledge is the deepest part of the ocean on this planet, and that would still barely scratch the surface on how truly dark and evil these pair of fucking clowns really are..

I was going to discuss next, a sensitive topic which involved a great deal of political incorrectness, but its getting late and i need copious amounts of charred animal flesh as i am hank Marvin after the gym, and this has over run..So I'll save how to diplomatically tell people they are Fat, and what to do about it, and how to approach a ginger person safely without catching anything in my next blog....

until then..... MAY THE PALM BE WITH YOU............................................


  1. HA HA HA. Great stuff again, and the toilet paper had me crying

  2. Great blog and as always , entertaining, keep it up, love it

  3. Very Entertaining My Friend.

  4. I am smiling here which after suffering in the earth quakes is welcome.Thank you so much that you asked if myself and family are ok. Such kind man you are. I laughed a lot again, and every thing you write is always so funny

  5. Beauty~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I am new here, but after reading around 10 of your blogs, i am an instant fan. Very rude and very funny, which makes me laugh a lot

  7. Keep it up Tomas. Make my day with another one soon


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