Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Right where do i start with today’s observational blog???bearing in mind how upset a few of my readers became after my harsh but fair comments on the madness of a certain sector of the Art world, I was almost afraid to put fingers to key board, and if you believe that, you are truly deluded, as quite frankly my dear, I don’t give a fuck..

If you don’t like it, then go and read the Guardian or the daily fascist, and get your news and articles sugar coated, but if you want a giggle and a fair chunk of controversy then get stuck in to this..

Right, it’s not going to be easy this one on the eyes, or the minds of the politically correct brigade, and certainly wont be easy on any passionate royalist, or any unfortunate with pale skin and ginger hair.(You have been warned, and that’s as close to a disclaimer, or health warning as I am willing to give).

Let me start by declaring I am completely anti-Royal or anti any ruling hierarchical structure, which has no place, or shouldn't have, in a modern society or culture, and truly belongs in the dark ages with its archaic traditions and medieval bi- laws which still apply, and like the Dinosaurs which have been extinct for millions of years, Ruling families belong in museums, and not extended a free hand to live a parasitic existence at the cost and detriment to decent working families who subsidize these incestuous tax exiles to the tune of many millions of pounds a year,

And in return we get, ummmmmm.. Fuck all!!!!!! Which seems a fair trade?

Greetings, T’IS Tuesday 24TH OF March 23, 2010

Right then, let us start with a royal pop at the bungling Young flamed haired Prince Harry, who recently found himself in hot water for calling his fellow soldier a paki, whilst serving in Afghanistan, and then dressing up as a Nazi, at a fancy dress party, which should come as no surprise to the educated among my readers as the house of Windsor is in fact the house of Hanover, and is German to the core, and he was just doing what came natural to a supporter of the third Reich and an avid follower of the Hitler youth rally, but I find any racial slur coming from him as Fucking brave bearing in mind he is a ginger German who's mum fucked off with an ethnic playboy and who’s farther could have originated from a list as long as my meat stick, and could even be directly related via an incestuous bloodline going back 100’s of years. As we know the ruling elite have always enjoyed a little incest, a game the whole family can get stuck into, and hence, responsible for a host of physical deformities, plus inherited genetic disorders.

Why do you think good old Queen Elizabeth is never seen without her gloves? Why,Because she has a thumb like a blind cobbler, which looks well hammered and 5 other digits to accompany it. Hence why eye witnesses at the palace can testify that when ‘’one’’ is informed that another member of the German Windsor’s falls pregnant to a family member, she yells out ‘’If you enjoy incest,gimme 6”as she holds her modified hand up to That big eared fool Charles, who’s own shells are the result of a cross breading experiment which went horribly wrong.

The young prince by the way has announced that he will be returning to the frontline and has raised fears about his security, which in my opinion is foolish, and I think Prince Harry is endangering the lives of his fellow soldiers in the army, i mean with that ginger twerp and his ginger thatch very readily recognized they can’t fucking hide anywhere, but luckily for him The Taliban released a statement saying they won't bother trying to attack him as he has a bad enough life being ginger and actually felt sorry for him, which was nice and perfectly understandable .

I have a good friend on the palm, Rob, who actually handles the fact he is ginger very well, by wearing a butchers hat 24/7's.looks dreadful, but hey, anything’s better than showing the world your Carrot top.

Royal purist’s who believe that Charles must be the father, because young Harry is always saying stupid things, just like his senile and bumbling old fool of a grandfather, the master Lizard himself Our beloved court jester Phillip, so therefore must be the son of Charles, as Charles is Phillips son…What amazing fucking logic that is, and I thought the human intellect had diminished.. That’s akin to stating I like going fishing and prefers wine to water… I must be related to Jesus.

Come on, we know Charlie boy is not Harry’s Dad, and the favorite for the unwanted mantle is another useless ginger fuck stick, Major James Hewitt, who is Harry's Father (biological) but Harry gets his foot in his mouth and racist behavior from his adopted grandfather, as I explained above , but here’s a twist and a little known fact to mix it up and stir the pot a little. Whilst I was body guarding in Dubai many years ago i actually saw Princess Di at barasti with a certain Simon Murphy, a famous flamed haired lothario who coincidently enough has many familiar traits he shares with the future copper Knobbed king, Next time you see Simon, have a close look, if you are fortunate enough to spot him in the light ,as he only comes out at night, as the Dubai sun turns him redder than Satan’s bulbous helmet within a minute of exposing his fair and ginger skin to the brutal heat out here... But a little known snippet of information for you Royal watchers out there. Simon can be found in Cabana most nights and is available for after dinner speaking, opening fete's and Bar Mitzvahs , and is very open about his Royal shenanigan' tap him on the shoulder, buy him a drink and prepare to be dazzled, mainly from the glow coming from his head, but enjoy.... Lovely man....

But Let's face it, and be brutally honest, dirty Di, although much loved by the World, including me, spent most of the 80s on her back and had a queue of blokes leading right out of the palace door, while Charles was off cavorting with that horse faced monstrosity of a women, ‘’Camilla parks her bowls somewhere ‘’.who some say has a bigger cock than Charles??? So his dad could literally be any ginger, Tom dick or Harry..excuse the pun

The media reported that he and his ex girlfriend Chelsea never took a shower together, which comes as no surprise to me, and I don’t blame her, I wouldn’t trust a Nazi’s shower either.

So poor old Harry does not seem to have much luck does he, his step dad was a Muslim play boy, his dear mother was bumped off by a collaboration of MI5/MOSSAD AND THE CIA, he was photographed as a Nazi, caught smoking pot, and openly referred to Pakistani soldier, as ‘’That funny little Paki’’, and is now hated by all of Asia. Still could be worse I guess, at least he’s not Gay and Ginger.

Ok, on we go and Leading members of the British Establishment are looking forward to Barack Obama's first official visit. Gordon Brown is very keen to take him on a historical tour of Scotland, the Queen is very much hoping to entertain him at an official state banquet and Harry has been searching the internet I believe for some really top-notch nigger jokes, which is in my opinion quite endearing.

Barack is a classic coconut, being blackish on the outside, but white as the driven snow on this inside and is just a yes man for the Jewish Zionist brigade which placed him in the white house, now called the black house, which is ironic in itself, and will readily displace him if he ever gets above his station and rejects the agenda he has been employed to serve.. You see, if he ever thinks he can do some good or change policy for the positive, there is a distinct probability Al jazeera will come across video evidence of Obama, Jay-z and Bin Laden, all smoking a fuck off reefer in a Pakistani cave chatting in Jamaican patwa slang, planning to fly a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit into the Empire state building, and that will be his death warrant signed sealed and served up to him.. Gotta love clandestine politics, and how the wheels are really turning from within.

Ok that will do for tonight, but below will leave you all with a largish foot note to ponder and have a giggle at.

Feel free to juggle the order, or make a new list and put it up on the comments board, but for me this is how I rate them

Below is a list of socially unaccepted individuals going from the most accepted to the least.

10. Any member of a ruling dynasty from any country

9. Politicians, once again from any cuntry..oops, dyslexia

8. Tax inspectors

7. Customs officials

6. Wheel clamper's

5. Religious zealots.

4. Rapists

3. Pedophiles

2. Lying Women. ;)


''A GINGER MIDGET"... what a combination, can you imagine the anger and feelings of discontent, inside this little fucker.., Napoleonic syndrome coupled with skin that can’t be exposed to sunlight, only 2ft 6 inches high and hair from the rectum of Beelzebub, in the genetic card game of life, this poor fucker was dealt a hand like a foot!!!!




  2. Just for you my friend for being a long suffering fan..LOL... Poor old Simon.

  3. Tell you what mate, you are truly a very funny man.Great entertainment

  4. Whats wrong with being Ginger?.

  5. Tomas, you get funnier and funnier, and more and more controversial.Love it

  6. Whats right about it???

  7. Anonymous,
    You ask, What's wrong with being Ginger?


    I hope the examples given below will help you

    Patsy Palmer: In my opinion a crap actress with a common whore London accent who was famous for saying ‘Ricky’. Ginger Palmer was not so long ago confessing she was a drug addict. CUNT !

    Kerry Katona: This self-confessed alcoholic and drug addict whore should not be allowed anywhere near children, how social services have not taken her kids away is an absolute fucking travesty of justice. Katona, do the world a favour, and fuck off !!! CUNT !

    Chris Evans: Gobby presenter who likes the sound of his own voice. Mr Evans says what he thinks, but he’s ginger, so his opinion does not fucking count. CUNT !

    Mick Hucknell: PRICK ! Enough said!!!

    Geri Halliwell: I used to fancy Geri Halliwell once, then I recovered from my blindness and nearly choked on my vomit after seeing what she looked like for the first time – CUNT !

    Vivienne Westwood: I never got the whole ginger Westwood thing. If you ask me her designs are subliminally telling us, aliens are already here in the shape of inbred ginger people. CUNT !

    Anne Robinson: The only nice thing about Anne Robinson is the fact she is old and with each passing day she is getting nearer to her grave, the fact she is ginger, and has had cosmetic surgery makes her totally deplorable. Robinson thinks she is big and clever on a crap TV programme. She’s a CUNT !

    I'll put the next two in the same category although not red heads they are both inbreds and fit well in this family of ginger fuck ups.....
    Amy Winehouse and Lilly Allen
    They are a pair of cock guzzling, drug taking sluts. Another two freak celebrities who think being famous is hard work and drink to oblivion to help them deal with it, Pair of CUNTS !

    Enough said.......

    John Thomas, Your A Fucking Genius !!!!!! My Friend.

    (Going to see Simon Tonight)

  8. Nurez. You must learn to not sit on the fence, and tell it how it is. I started to laugh at Kerry Katona and increased the decibels until the end.. What a great run down of useless Ginger people and funny enough for a blog of its own. lol

  9. Mr Thomas,
    To be continued..........

  10. You are a wicked devil with a wicked sense of humor and my word i like it. You have written some brilliant blogs lately and do you know what i like most of all, is that you change from serious issues to down right ridiculous subjects, but still make them funny as hell. Adore your work and how you look..;)

  11. Great stuff, keep them coming


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