Wednesday, March 10, 2010


As i sit on my window sill, window open and staring up at the object which i actually believe to be the only real thing worthy of worship, our creator and giver of life, ''EL SOL""
My mind is taking a stroll down memory lane and as i reminisce about all and sundry, i began to focus on the Women that have shared my life. (Can actually hear ''To all the girls i loved before'' by Willy Nelson being played in my head), there seems to be a common theme with at least 3 of them, and that is, Apart from being beautiful, which is a must, ( so sue me, i love beautiful things to look at,)
they all share the love of art, and the creativity and angst that seems to follow pretty closely behind, which can be a double edged sword , as anybody who has shared intimate times and space with an ''ARTY TYPE'' will concur.


My present girlfriend called me whilst i was sprinting down memory lane, from a London gallery and described the work she was studying, which entailed, a women, a chicken with his head almost severed, and blood running from the neck of Colonel Sanders's favorite creature, all over the naked body of the artist, who by the way had committed suicide recently, which was the only heartening or positive thing i could take from the phone call... This got me thinking, Why do these arty types feel the need to express themselves in such ways, before ultimately, taking their sad existence of a life, and leaving a fucked up legacy behind them, and their parents to grieve until they themselves check out!!!...Selfish fucking parasites spring to mind, but never mind my thoughts, on with the blog...

This artist, who's name escapes me just joins a long list of emotional fuck ups, who could not tolerate life, and decided that calling time on a mis- understood existence was clearly the better option, which is fine, more decent oxygen for sane people to breathe, but if they are to rub themselves out, why can they not use that creative genius they possess to do it with style and panache... Michael Hutchins,( inxs front man) David Carradine (kill Bill star).Stephen Gately( boy's own gay crooner).. My next door neighbor, (who loved to paint) and a plethora of others within the entertainment industry who have all left this mortal coil after getting the Weights, angles, and the all important drop zone wrong whilst Beating their man swords furiously, whilst at the same time watching A dog with football socks on,(as not to scratch the participating women/man i believe) confusingly plunder the back door of the man/woman, on a plasma tv in front of them.. .. This is boring guys, and if you are reading this, and are busy checking lengths of rope, checking the delivery date from e bay Holland on your special dvd, and weighing yourselves, stop it already, its tedious, and boring, and we are fed up with finding you hanging in wardrobes, or on beams, with one hand around your Johnson, and the other tied behind your back, with your tongue hanging out... Wanna make a difference and shock the world, then start thinking Van Gogh. wanna be's..

This brings me smartly on to Art itself, and the artists who produce it...They all seem to suffer from the ''Look at me, for fuck sake, understand me, or i'l kill myself brigade!""Well, go ahead, like i said, dont let me hold you up in your quest to reunite yourself with a whole host of movie stars, entertainers, artists,and mis understood genii waiting at the purley gates, or the gates of Hades, who knows, but one things for sure, it will be one ego driven fucked up party thats for sure, with everybody talking, but nobody listening and more cocaine, which seems to be the drug of choice for these lost souls, ( i blame Freud personally, but who cares, right!!) than has been sniffed off Elton Johns husbands arse crack... Which is a fuck load, believe me...

So i may be coming across as a little harsh, and not understanding these delicate little flowers, thats because i don't, and nor do i care to.. Tell me, what is artistic about eating large amounts of gas producing foods, giving yourself a home made colonic with different colored paints, inserting a tube where the sun will never shine, then expelling the contents via forceful propulsion of wind from the anus on to a canvass ?????... Please, someone educate me on why i find this fucking odd??.. and if that particular artist is considering popping his cloggs also, I'll give you a hand, fucking moron!!!!!

Now, before i leave you, will leave you with an ingenious idea on how to immortalize yourself into the annals of history. Start by consuming vast amounts of Chocolate, washed down with your favorite pain killers with a vat of cider.. Attach yourself to a home made device which is based on a centrifugal force type mechanism.. Have a remote control in your mouth which sets the machine in motion, lets say for 5 mins, which should be more than enough time to get the job done, then spit it out once it starts, as it gets faster and faster and you begin to feel nauseous,, the need to throw up will overcome you, but here's the genius part, You can't, you will literally choke to death on your own vomit as the force stops you from expelling matter from your mouth, but as the machine slows down, you will be leaking chocolate and cider all over yourself, which will create in itself a marvelous piece of Art, which will have Damien Hurst wanking into a bath full of formaldehyde, and who knows, he may even buy the piece, stick it in a glass case and and display it for the world to admire and wonder at... He could call it ""DEATH BY CHOCOLATE".. now, thats a way to go!!.. You see, and people tell me i am not creative.

OK Before i leave you, and this time i am going, lets get a little more serious with this whole suicide thing, and why a certain type seem to excel at it. I will use Alexander McQueen as my case study as his death was a relatively short time ago.When one thinks of Alex, which is what i'll call him as not to waste time, we think of wonderful dresses, Kate Moss, like a gazelle gliding down the cat walk in one of his fabulous creations, full of joie de vivre, champagne and adulation being consumed in equal measure, we think of Bling and deeply entrenched success, but when the curtain came down, and we begin to dig around, once again we find that someone we thought had it all, actually tip toed around the edges of depressive darkness and some times fell head first into the abyss. This type of behavior always shocks me to be honest, but coming from a truly loving family the only thing dark i enjoy is chocolate, and laughter consumes my time, with practical jokes being the most sinister thing that can be leveled at me, so i consider myself lucky.

Lucky that happiness is an inside job, and not something which can be bought or acquired from someone else, which is what, funnily enough most of these self help books and manuals have been saying for decades , and i am now believing it more and more..Some will blame evolution and state we are over programmed for self defense, over responsive to any perceived threat in these comparatively safe and privileged times, and that the unlucky depressives spend the majority of their time wallowing around in the reptilian part of the bran, feeling isolated and fearful of everything and anything, however great their circumstances appear to be... As an antidote, we seek out love and relationships to bridge the gap, to find peace in others, or we need others to complete us, which is folly indeed, as the only person who completes you, is you!!..
Alex gave up his right to breathe soon after his own mother died, not by suicide i might add, but of natural causes which is refreshing, But perhaps he found that the show need not go on any further, especially when the audience he craved more than anything else had left him nine days previous..Food for thought i guess....

Anyway, some of the richest guys i know are the most unhappy, and the elitist private school dwellers are in my opinion proper messed up, not all of course, but a great deal of them are full of dark and depressive thoughts..

Right, i am going to place banana skins under the feet of old ladies, sit back and laugh at their mis fortune, so got to run....

ITS BEEN EMOTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. As a new follower to your blog i have read around half of them, and although this one is somewhat dark, they get better and better, and this one is the best so far, and very very funny. I am sure you will upset some with this, but i for one found it hilarious

  2. i find that sad as an artist you can joke about things like that.I appreciate your delivery, which is very skilled, and an art in itself, but you can be cruel sometimes, which is making you more popular i guess. But i laughed very loudly about Elton John.

  3. Hey PAM, NO offense intended, and i am sure you realize this blog is a controversial site with no topic considered sacred,and i know people find death and suicide sensitive subjects, it also throws up many opps for humorous observation, which i hope i have detailed.. Smile Pam, it all light hearted humor

  4. Why do you have to apologize.Your blog heading lets the reader know what type of blog this is, and tell you what, you should be making a living from it. Much funnier than any book i have read, and i like Jeremy Clarkson, and i find some of your style similar.

  5. very funny, dark, and shocking at the same time. Clever writing though

  6. Very very funny my friend. I pissed myself!!!

    It's the arseholes way out !!!

  7. Nurez, many thanks, and you should be on my Facebook wall.. The arty types who i am close to are all getting hot under the collar with my latest offering, which i love by the way, and about time they woke up and debated something of interest rather than obsessing over Jimmy's latest choo's or what method on contraceptive Eva Longoria is most fond of...

  8. I think the people that are getting upset have not read the heading of your blog, and not understood the method and style that you write.Its very obvious to me that your way is all about irony and satire and sacrasm. Its these comments which make me laugh so, and the subjest matter is a side show and vehiel for this. Keep them coming, very very funny!!

  9. Before I get a barrage of abuse regarding not getting the irony and satire and sacrasm, dont worry I do :) always enjoy the blogs. Just thought it was about time I gave a little reply.

    Is suicide selfish? without dout the most selfiah act. Suicide connected creatives?... nah, not for me, we just hear about it more. would like to know the stats on city workers and the unemployed etc...

    "elitist private school dwellers are in my opinion proper messed up" TOTALLY AGREE :)

    Anyways that said... my below piece responds to the blogs 'Arts for Arts sake' and elements of 'Creative Suicide' by Johntomas. If you read Johntomas's blogs you will know he has a love for science theory but not 'ART'... why?.. :)

    'Fine Art' is the product of complete unique individual thought backed up by a wealth of understanding and knowledge. Therefore it can come in the guise of anything (the limit of ones imagination). The final product (the artwork) is there to ignite our minds and help inform us of the world we live in and beyond. Great fine art and artists categorically 'PUSH THE BOUNDRIES' not only in the way we think and view things but also in the actual physical production (new materials and engineering etc).

    Its the unique idea mixed with the unique product that makes Art and the artists producing it so bloody important, as their influence, influences you more than you can possibly imagine (basically everything you see). It all filters though to the masses in the end... ... See more

    ... try to think about 'Art and artists' in a much bigger picture. A group of people pushing boundaries and creating NEW ideas and avenues for the masses to explore.

    Now read the above again and replace the words 'FINE ART' and 'ARTIST' with 'SCIENCE' and 'SCIENCTIST'

    Strange that still makes perfect sense? not really as surely you can appreciate that the 'Artist' is the same 'type' of free thinking and creative individual as a 'Scientist'. You have to be to come up with new theory and product

    There is just as many bullshit scientific theory out their as there is shit works of art.

    obvious examples to use I know but I don’t think Leonardo da Vinci or even Michelangelo would agree with you that science and art aren’t part of the same big picture those two minds tried there hands at both.... and before you say I cant be comparing da Vinci with 'chicken head'... I can... ITS ALL ART SON x :)

  10. Here is an interesting comparison between the artist and the scientist.. The theoretical scientist who attempts to apply logic, but little else to questions and equations without definitive answers, but uses terms and complicated equations to attempt to confirm his ambiguous findings are akin to artists, who attempt to pass off as art, things which just don't stand alone as artistic,( imo) and are often ridiculous pieces of work orchestrated by a fucked up mind, screaming for attention and given Kudos, by that most annoying and pretentious of Cunts, ''THE ART CRITIQUE".. who speaks another language altogether, which has its roots in English, but still manages to dumbfound 99% of the worlds English speaking natives and knows shit from shinola about the real world... I still don't know which one is more fucked up, and which one never got over the trauma of having their favorite cuddly toy, or their mothers knickers taken away from them before the age of 3.. Freud would say, ''its all about having sex with your mother''.. Who knows, but they speak a different language than i, and for all intent and purposes, inhabit a different planet, certainly in their heads anyway

  11. Some very good points Ben, and really liked what you had to say. Going to work now, but will reply in depth later on.

  12. Sticking feathers up your arse does not make you a chicken!!!

  13. lol@Nurez. Indeed it does not.

  14. A Chicken no, a Cock probably.

  15. It amazes me that people who read this blog can get upset... Its Clearly written to amuse and to shock, with continued use of metaphor and crazy exaggerations, laced with satire. Having read all of them, i love the release from the boring articles found in the mainstream, and really enjoy the style and sharp delivery this guy writes with. Ben, great points, and well written, but again, its not supposed to agrieve, only to amuse, and the guy writes about so many different subjects, in his unique style, its, well for me anyway, a huge amount of fun, and i understand and look forward to them.

  16. haha, bloody hell, never known people to defend the honour of 'satire', 'exaggerations', 'irony' and 'sacrasm' so seriously! ;)

    agreved I could not be further from as said before alway enjoy what johthomas has to say, just thought I would join in the 'banter/debate'... thats the point of these blogs right? Will only write 'joke' commens form now on otherwise the humour police will be on my back

    ironic?... I think so.

  17. Brillaint and silly at the same time. Ben, don't be stranger, liked your comments, and debate is exactly what is needed. Funny chap this guy who writes these.

  18. Ben, dont get upset, and welcome. Debate is healthy, so please dont stop. If you have read many, then you will be aware i am his biggest fan,and have this crazy school girl crush on him as well, which he knows about, but sadly i dont think i will ever get to meet him. Why have you not made other comments on others?.. After your comment i went back and read art for art sake again, and they are both very funny, but this latest one was the best blog so far, and thought it very well written and funny as anything., but then again i am bias

  19. Ben,

    Da Vinci and Michelangelo also tried their hands on little boys
    (both were charged with sodomy)
    Maybe it was in the name of science!!!!


  21. Wow, from someone who has been around since the 1st blog i am surprised this one has created as much interest as some of the others.We all know the author is outspoken, and loves to court reaction through controversy and hard delivery of his views, but we all know his style and we read them for its humor content, which in my opinion is very high and unique, even though he likes stirring that pot of emotions.PC he most definitely not, but hilarious, he most definitely is.

  22. Enjoyed the blog and the exchange here on the comments. Please Tomas, when is the next blog comin


I encourage healthy debate, so please tell me your thoughts and appreciate the feedback