Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Who's your Daddy Update...The return of the red head!!

Opposite, are pictures of two beautiful looking children, who will grow up to be traffic wardens, or politicians....
Can you spot the similarities??

In an unprecedented move, the author of this here blog will break new ground and write a brief follow up on last nights topic, as i had many e mails asking me why i had persecuted Ginger people so harshly,(in their opinion) which is fine, and i replied as eloquently as i could why i had chosen this particular subject, and why also, so many people found it funny(that's right, for every person who felt wronged, 3 others exclaimed tears of joy whilst reading it.. and as my blog was designed to amuse, confuse, and abuse,in equal measures, the majority I'm afraid really enjoy the slant i put on things and how i express my opinions on worldly events, so its here to stay and will not be watered down in any shape or form..... Remember, its a comical blog with social and ethnic stereotyping very much at the fore of my humor, which some people find offensive, but if you could just see it for what it is, and that i am not on any crusade to deliver major journalistic pieces to the sensitive and needy, i think you may just start to enjoy them for what they are..Satirical, sarcastic and exaggerated......

Right, i thought i would do some research on Ginger people, and below is what i discovered, which i hope you lot will find informative, but if, once again you find yourself feeling persecuted, hard done by or offended, take comfort that these are not my thoughts, so please don't shoot the messenger.

Greetings Ti's Wednesday, 24th of march 2010

OK should politically correctness matter?, in my opinion, absolutely not, as more important factors at times outweigh the need for this ridiculous level of social cowardice.
Being ginger is not funny, or clever, and its our duty to help these unfortunate souls.
For example, we are governed by a state of formal checks and balances, and if someone is rude and nobody highlights this, it will continue, unabated.The same way, if as decent caring citizens we don't alert the afflicted, they will carry on thinking its normal to have Ginger hair.We owe it to them, so they can do something about it, and start to blend in to society which is based on aesthetics and shallow beauty. So don't worry about negative consequences from The PC brigade, who are all fucking retarded anyway,with issues so deep rooted, I'm surprised they are allowed out of their own homes or mental institutions to create this state of social imprisonment.

So do them a favor and shout them out, point them in the direction of the hair dye section in Boots the chemist, and i am sure they will appreciate the help.

Historically, Red heads were thought by the puritans to be evil, and possibly in league with the Devil, and had no souls, hence to be called ginger, or red headed was an extreme insult, and their general appearance was considered scary to the ignorant and naive, especially to young children, who were heavily influenced by their parents... Now, i am not suggesting for one minute they are possessed by the devil, but it can be confirmed that in general Ginger people are less attractive than non Gingers, and in Italy, where aesthetics and beauty really are pre-requisites for being accepted have called for Gingers to be banned after research scientists discovered that they were up to 50% less attractive than Dark haired or natural Blonde's.

Gingers were studied across the country in secret by highly trained monkeys.As a result of this clandestine research, it was revealed that indeed, Red heads were found to be less attractive to the opposite sex and also that their eyes were to close together. Researchers also revealed that normal people are less likely to make contact, and may even cross the road to avoid the possibility of contracting Gingervitus, a nasty condition which turns the hair and gums Ginger, which is not very nice at all... .)

The Italian minister for the inferior, a Mr Bilbo Baggio called for improved surveillance on ginger folk as they are more likely to be long term unemployed, and less likely to procreate. ''We are a catholic country'', he states ,''and if people are unable to produce large amounts of healthy offspring, we must question their usefulness in our society'' hence, he went on to say '' we must make a conscious effort to reduce the number of gingers walking around until they vanish from our environment, over a period of time''
There was some good news that materialized from the study, where the same scientists found that eating ginger and being ginger had zero correlation, so their advise is, carry on enjoying the tasty root, which is great news for ginger eaters..

On receipt of these startling revelations, ginger people around the world are protesting at what they consider further discrimination, and TV star and radio tycoon Chris Evans, a well known ugly ginger bastard from the UK called the ginger hot line and stated,''I am ginger and i am proud, and you dare to call me ugly?''... Indeed they did, because indeed he is.. As a result of that exchange, a restraining order had to be taken out on the ginger haired has been, once again highlighting the unnecessary aggression these folk display when offended in any way. Chris, would you like some salt and vinegar for that huge chip on your shoulder?

OK will leave you for now, and leave you with today's final thought.
I am an avid cinema goer, and DVD watcher, and funnily enough, last night i watched the latest Harry Potter film, which i love, but as it finished and the euphoria subsided, a sinking feeling began to envelop me. I thought it was based on a true story, but it cant be,

I mean a ginger kid with two friends

come on JK Rowling, make it feasible at least


  1. These Inbred Ginger Fucks are only kidding themselves with unbelievable words as ‘Proud’.
    Even claiming to have a partner is pushing it a bit.(Lying Bastards)
    Face it, if these Ginger Cunts, could have been born normal or could take a magic pill to be less ginger, they would.
    Proud indeed,(my arse)
    These inbred Ginger fucks should do the world a favor and stop fucking breeding.

  2. Thats harsh there buddy, what lineage are you? and you are being presumptuous one could say. But, i also would say that your option of a less ginger pill would be a huge money earner for the developer, as i dont think people enjoy burning like a tomato in the sun after only a few minutes.
    Funny Blog by the way mate, entertaining


  4. jACKIE,
    Something some ginger people refer to themselves as being when they're in denial.
    It's GINGER !!!

  5. Mental.Funny, but mad

  6. gingers are so fucking ugly, they should all be shipped out on trains to auswitz


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