Sunday, February 7, 2010

Resistance is Futile

Listening to the radio today on my way to Arundel castle with my Beautiful girlfriend, and yes, i do participate in such cultural excursions on occasion, an advert, or i should say a government warning came on which was so insulting, i had to share it with you. I mean, this abused the right to be condescending, and anybody with a modicum of intelligence, with an IQ above that of a bowl of calamari a la romana ,would be crying into their squid.

Greetings my friends, T'IS FEB 07 2010.
Before i explain what made me laugh so, a little back ground info.
We have become throughout the western world, such a molly-cuddled, Politically correct bunch of mind controlled fucking robots, We dare not think outside the box for fear of recrimination from our peers, friends and social order ,which for some reason beyond my logic is so fucking important to the masses or the Sheeple as i love to call them.. We are responsible for allowing this tip toe approach to a totalitarian nanny state we find ourselves facing every waking hour of our soon to be miserable existence unless we say."NO MAS"See Duran v's Leonard
Every day we are forced to accept further intrusions into our civil liberties, and basic freedoms removed, which are our constitutional rights,This is achieved by an array of false flag incidents,(see below in bold type.) 911 for instance was a classic example, or pearl Harbor, Assassinations of World leaders, Renegade lone gunmen running amok in remote outbacks in Shitsville, USA, etc, etc.. I could give you a list of false flag incidents throughout history as long as my man Sword, but wont bore you with them, so just trust me on this, they are all part of the master plan which you see unfolding before your very eyes, at an ever increasing rate of knots on a daily basis, well i must reiterate "before your eyes!" if you was actually awake and not being played like a grand piano, but through classic mis direction tactics, you aint seeing fuck all and alas the majority of the population are indeed in a comatose state which makes this form of mind control and acceptance so easy to install
*(Acts of terror, which are perpetrated by our own governments, then blamed on whoever they want to justify an attack on, whether its an individual, or a country, it matters not, the same transparent Modus Operandi is wheeled out time and again).

So fucking what, Jordon, aka Katie Price has married her cross dressing cage fighter in Vegas, or Posh spice has lost another 3 kilo's and can now slide underneath doors without the need to open them, Or the lord mayor of London wears a toupee, and John Terry has been playing hide the sausage with half the wives of the English national team.. Its banal nonsense and noise, a side show which is rammed down our throats by the gutter press ,and the broad sheets are no better, who just say it with a better choice of vocabulary and angle of attack, and the next generation of soon to be adults are even worse than the adults of today, with their noses stuck in blackberry's, i phones, Nintendo, et al, who can barely read or write at all, with their preferred method of communicating being inaudible street slang, or Text speak, a fucked up bastardized form of The Queens English.. I despair for humanity i really do, and today's ad on the radio epitomized everything which is wrong with today's nanny state.

A government backed campaign which you can find at www.governmentemployedmorons/

is warning car owners not to leave anything valuable on the dash board, or on the seats of your cars, whilst out and about, and to remember to close your windows and sunroof while your at it.. Are you fucking kidding me. Have we become so retarded that we need the government to remind us to do something so natural and autonomous to anyone with a brain cell, they need to run a specialized campaign to get the message across, then we are all fucked... And to those mind numbing idiots who find that type of education enlightening, then you deserve to be robbed blind, every time you go out for a 4 for 1 pizza meal at Domino's, and i know, forgive my social stereotyping again, but its the overweight council flat dwellers in their 15year old Ford escorts, who shop at primark for crushed velor beige tracksuits who leave Their laptops which were stolen in the first place on display, which are then stolen back, probably by a distant family relative, who then sells it back to you once again, and the whole cycle repeats itself, like a high rise council estate groundhog day.. Neanderthal tree dwellers, round them all up and use them for government experiments and find out why they are so fucking fat!!!!I guarantee you, there will not be a single case of under active thyroid among them, just a bunch of greedy Sausage and chip munchers, who have zero discipline, and white dog shit instead of grey matter between the peroxide hair doe's..
So, Mr Brown, Blair. Bush, et al.. I know exactly what you are up to and its my job to spread the word, so if you could leave your car windows open next time to invade an innocent country, I'll pop a leaflet through it explaining your Goose is well and truly cooked, and how your plan for a new world order is being exposed....

Until the next time, MAY THE PALM BE WITH YOU


  1. My Friend,
    You Get Better Everyday.


    "I will not sacrifice the Enterprise. We've made too many compromises already; too many retreats. They invade our space and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here!"


  3. Again, bloody brilliant, and very entertaining


  5. Very good piece nurez.Like your point

  6. Cracking read, and made me laugh plenty.

  7. Totally agree, this world we live in has gone pc mad. Keep writing mate, you make me smile

  8. Craig,
    I disagree with you about the standard
    As long as this world is fucked up(as we all know it is)
    I believe the blogs will only get better.
    (Mr Thomas, back me up on this)

  9. Thank you Nurez for the vote of confidence, and i will try my best.The issue i have with my blog is that to find constant comedy on the topics i write about can be difficult,especially as the subject matter can be of a serious nature, and a tad political, lol.... My favorite topic is the illuminati and the new world order, but most of my readers just want me to write about comical observations, hence why the majority of them are just that... Maybe i should start another blog where i can expose the free masons, zionist rulers, and the illuminati agenda in all its glory...Answers guys and gals???

  10. My Friend,
    Write about your favorite topic,and let the readers judge.
    I'm also sure you can make us see the comical side of the Illuminati and The New World Order.


I encourage healthy debate, so please tell me your thoughts and appreciate the feedback