Friday, February 5, 2010

Just a little food for thought, and to confuse the religious

Ok, i concede, this is not a blog as such, more of a debating article which will whip the zealots, bible bashers,Helmet fiddlers, Fundamentalists, ignorant lost souls, et al into a complete frenzy, and demand i be burnt at the nearest stake for extreme blasphemy, but guess what, i don't give a monkeys ring piece what you nut cases think, democracy, even in this veiled form in which we now live affords me the right to express my opinions and views of the world,that is until the Internet police restrict the last bastion of freedom, which is the freedom of speech, so until they do, i will go hard or go home, And its all about being HARD for me..
I always believed that we were spawned from outer space during a cosmic accident, and never bought into the religious view, nor for that matter, the ever evolving Primate to Human, with flaws as large as my Johnson in both stories, so with that in mind, below is is an extract from a prominent Scientist who concurs with what i have just written..... Those with extreme religious beliefs need not bother reading any further, as the Author could do without having a Fatwa Jihad.,Korma, or Vindaloo placed on his head.. I spoke with Sadman Rushtea last week and he told me it gets awfully trying and time consuming wearing wigs, fake moustache's and funny glasses every time he wants to nip down the garage for a family bag of Walkers cheese and onion crisps after an extra large Jamaican Marlboro light at 3 in the morning.So please leave this guy alone, its not like he's depicted a stick of dynamite hanging out of a turban mocking a certain someone, and illustrated from a very cold Scandinavian outpost.. ( answers on a post card please).
Anyway, onto the topic at hand....
Enjoy. t'is the 5th of feb, 2010
greetings from the uk, my temporary retreat.

Prof Chandra Wickramasinghe, of Cardiff University, said new research "overwhelmingly" supported the view that human life started from outside our Earth.

The Astrobiologist said the first "seeds of life" were deposited on our plant from space 3,800m years ago

He claimed microbes from outer space arrived on earth from comets, which then "multiplied and seeded" to form human life.

His said his evidence, published in Cambridge University's International Journal of Astrobiology, showed humans, and all life on Earth, came from aliens brought to the earth by comets hitting the planet.

"Yes, we are all aliens – we share a cosmic ancestry," Prof Wickramasinghe said.

"Each time a new planetary system forms a few surviving microbes find their way into comets.

"These then multiply and seed other planets."

He added: ""We are thus part of a connected chain that extends over a large volume of the cosmos. Evidence is pointing inexorably in this direction."

Prof Wickramasinghe believes life is transferred from planet to planet over billions of years.

He believes comets hit planets and pushed living matter out into space.

He said some survived and got transferred to new planets over a timescale of millions and millions of years.

But he accepts this model still does not explain how life actually began in the first place.

The professor and his late colleague Sir Fred Hoyle championed the so-cllaed "panspermia" theory from the 1960s.

"Evidence from astronomy overwhelmingly supports the view that life did not start on Earth but was seeded from outside," Prof Wickramasinghe said.

"Although we have no definite knowledge how life started in the first place, once started its spread in the cosmos and survival is inevitable.

"As we enter a new decade – the year 2010 – a clear pronouncement of our likely alien ancestry and of the existence of extraterrestrial life on a cosmic scale."




  1. There is a slight resemblance...TONTO!!!!!!!

  2. One thing for certain is,we all will find out one day,so shake off that fear,worry and hate...
    put your feet up and relax.

  3. And my dear everybody's-favorite-alien beach bum, I'm left with two questions: What IS a helmet fiddler? and WHY am I AFRAID TO KNOW??? omg

  4. Anonymous..Thats why i always need a tan, off white/grey (tonta) is not a good look for me. Nurez, love your mentality towards life, like a kindred spirit i feel.. And Welcome Cyna, a new face and a very amusing comment..


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