Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Evolutionary food chain..

A while back, i wrote a blog on the homeless, check the archives if you missed it, but basically it was loosely written on the random thoughts they obviously have, but cannot keep to themselves, so they shout incoherent nonsense at the top of their voices, even when the recipient is a mere yard away, which i have always found remarkably funny. Well, lying on the beach yesterday, i realized that its not just the homeless who like to shout, but those of a council flat mentality, whose IQ fall somewhere between a tomato plant, and a rocking chair.. At that moment, i realized indeed we are all part of an evolutionary food chain, like a Darwinian ladder if you like, and the process of natural selection a very real part of our existence..

Greetings, T'is the 5TH of August 2009.

OK, what i observed yesterday was interesting, with the rags of the homeless being replaced with a variety of England football shirts, both home and away, with the names of their heroes plastered across the backs. IE, Terry, as in John Terry, the English captain had been mis spelt, and the Y at the end of his name replaced with an i ,spelling it TERRI.. This made me think, who is more stupid, the kid who was wearing the shirt, or the idiot who stencilled the name of our English football captain, incorrectly onto this delinquents shirt, or the parents, who can see clearly what it says, but are unaware of this Faux pas... In the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is certainly king.

Anyway, i had the mis fortune to be lying next to a family of football wearing shirts, who could not say a word without screaming it, so the whole beach could enjoy the wisdom, wit and wonderment of these beautiful people, whose skin color resembled that of the exterior walls of the concrete jungles which they reside, namely Grey, grey and greyer, and they all had the same names, either Darren or Arron it would seem..

Aside from shouting at each other, their real talent appeared to be how much fast food they could make disappear, which was really impressive, as family bags of crisps, nuts, chocolate, and foot long Hot Dogs were polished off in world record time, whilst the rest of their social security hand outs was spent on Marlboro reds, the full fat version, which they all consumed between sittings of crisps and burger. A very polished performance i must say...

Question.. I wonder if these people are happy??....Is intelligence a curse, or a gift???... Or does the man with the most knowledge feel the most pain.. Interesting dilemmas.

The next episode on the beach consisted of Mr and Mr's anti social laughing at their son, who was throwing stones at the sea gulls.At first i thought they were chips he was throwing, but realized pretty quickly, those calories were not to be wasted ..( WHAT WAS I THINKING, A FAT KID DOES NOT THROW HIS LIFEBLOOD AT SEA BIRDS)..

This young moron, who in all honesty resembled a ginger colored mini bouncy castle, more than a human took great delight in hitting the gulls with his missiles, as the parents, whose own waist lines and arse's were the size of small villages cheered with delight and pride, as a particularly large object hit the bird on the head..... My immediate thoughts were, these are the kind of people that like to drown whole litters of kittens in bath tubs, or throwing them out of the windows of cars on fast moving roads.. Proper little Fred West's in the making...
The mother was so fat and had so many chins she looked like she was staring at you over a pile of pancakes, and the Father, who was no better, fell over getting out of the sea and rocked himself to sleep trying to get up, i kid you not... A fucking hilarity.

This got me thinking, Adolf Hitler got it all wrong with the persecution of the Jews, what he should have done was start his ethnic cleansing of those whose IQ fell below that of the amount of fingers and toes they were born with, then moved swiftly on to fat and lazy bums, finishing with ginger haired misfit's.. He would have certainly gained my vote..

And before you bombard me with e mails, stating they cant help it, its gland related, why they cant lose weight. Get the fuck out of here!!!.. Let me educate you. Not a single fat person has ever been documented whilst serving time in Auschwitz or Belsen,during the two world wars, nope sir'eee. Being fat is purely a mechanism of what they shove in their gobs, fact!!! and it a lack of discipline, nothing else....'' Well, they are big boned'', i hear you cry, and yes, you may well have a point, but its the big bones which are covered in meat and gravy which are the real culprits, and zero to do with the 206 bones which make up the human skeleton. Being fat is a choice. I am willing to conceded that 1% of the people who are obese have a medical condition, IE, under active thyroid etc..But that is it, the rest of them are just greedy, lazy eating machines..

Before i go on, i must draw your attention to this worthy cause i joined on Face book, and that is to get that awful pig of a Woman Theresa Winters, who has given birth to 13 children, each one taken away by social services sterilized.. If you want to get involved.

I have not seen a more worthy cause than to rid society of this cabbage brained Woman, who abuses the right to be stupid every hour she is awake, and once again comes down to intelligence, or lack there of.

This single cell being is nothing but a drain on an already overloaded benefit system, and should be sterilised asap, to prevent further weakening of the human genome. Fucking common dung beetle. And i apologise to the dung beetle if i caused offence there with my comparison

The above brings me on to my last observation. If there is a God, he certainly has a warped sense of humour, Distraught, decent Women try whole lifetimes attempting to get pregnant, so they can adore ,cherish, and raise a child in a loving home and safe environment, teaching them as they grow the importance of moral code, ethics, and behavioural patterns which will ingratiate them into a welcoming society, but alas, cannot conceive for all the money and IVF in China,but the miracle of birth is given over and over to this monstrosity of a Woman..The big fella up in the clouds really does have a sadistic streak it would seem, which begs the question of his existence in the first place, and if you do believe, then good for you, faith is a wonderful thing, and guess what, i am running for Pope next time the position becomes available. Well, if you can believe in the omnipotent, mythical being who watches over us all with a big marker pen and clip board, ticking and crossing all that we do, then believe i can be the top guy in Rome, even though i am as catholic as the anti Christ himself.

Until the next time.... Laugh more,it really is the best medicine...



  1. Lol, absolutely right, fat people are just stupid, lazy and serious procastinators (sic?). They should be prosecuted. Ciao.

  2. Procrastination is like Masturbation; In the end you're just screwing yourself.” lol@ meeee. Anonymous, Nice to see you agree.

  3. Absolute genius. Rude, very politically incorrect, and judgemental, but i love it love it love it, ha haaaa ha

  4. I must say how shy you come across.Stop sitting on the fence and say it as it is..LOL
    Mad as they come, but genius comedy at times.

  5. Totally agree about lazy and fat people.No need at all to be like that.Very funny blog.

  6. Hey, after laughing till i cried, i looked in the mirror and realized i am not as thin as i should Will get in training, incase you do come to Chile to

  7. I should not laugh at fat people, nor the under privilidged, but, my word i did.Funny material sir

  8. As always, funny, sharp and contraversial. Keep em coming

  9. if more people were like you, the world would be a thinner place!!! sounds like you were on the beach in benidorm!!!!! i doubt it very much but i can imagine the family..... a bit like andy off little britain! lol my sister is a christian... goes to church all the time... why i don't know.... i cant believe that people actually believe in this mythical god :S ive always said it.. how millions of people believe in some sort of god its quite bizzare, "gods" lead people to believing that they will get 7 virgins if they self distruct! you dont get a virgin after the age of 16.... unless they are fat bastards.... thats messed up enough! we all know science fact is the true god! keep em comming!!!

  10. Interesting points Lee,and amusing. Welcome to my world and my blog.

  11. Where are you my favourite man on this planet.? Everyday i check this blog, and i need a johntomas fix. xxx

  12. Sorry Geraldine, been rather busy of late and travelling back to Dubai today. Thank you so much for the kind words, and i promise to write something soon. JT666

  13. lolllll.. proper funny. Genius writer old son.

  14. That was funny my friend, laughed alot. Impressive style


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