Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Spirituality, and what it means to me.


Welcome once again to my Blog, but today, i must make it clear that it wont be laden with comical metaphors and sarcasm, and satire will be scarce..This Blog is to answer the many question people ask me when i state categorically i am not religious in any shape or form, and that rigid belief systems i believe are the breeding ground for fundamentalism, and therefore indoctrination which leads to an existence within a very narrow frequency band, which in turn leads to a closed mind, which again in turn leads to fractious and a dangerous mentality, and why we as humans are so easily divided and ruled....OK...

Spirituality and what it means to me, and Anja, this has zero to do with the spirits one would find collaborating with a Red Bull or Orange juice on Thursday night at Sanctuary....No, this is all about connecting with people.. .)

Spirituality has a different meaning to each of us, it seems. A standard definition would be: "A sense of meaning and purpose; a sense of self and of a relationship with 'that which is greater than self".

Currently, Religion and Mysticism seem to have the monopoly on Spirituality. Theistic religions often regards a 'relationship with god' or divine creator, as a spiritual relationship, while Mystics will often find a relationship to a 'supernatural' force or power.

The bottom line is that, almost universally, spirituality has to do with a 'relationship' on one level or another. In most perspectives, it is associated with a person's 'place' or 'meaning' in life... whatever that may be.

As subjective as these things can be, we begin to recognize changes in these notions, for social progress tends to carve a path for understandings that stand the test of time. In the modern age, we have the ability to look far in our past and examine what our ancestors used to consider 'real', and then compare those ideas to what we understand today.

Many "spiritual practices" which have existed in the past, no longer exist due the understandings that have come about in regard to natural phenomenon. As a base example, early religions often 'sacrificed' animals for certain purposes, what for, i have not a fucking clue, but sacrifice they did, but this rarely happens today, as the relevance of such an act has proven pointless in its desired effect, and happily so for the poor suffering animal, Likewise, rarely do people perform 'rain dances' in order to influence the weather as today we understand how weather patterns are created, and ritual practices, however elaborate and inspiring to watch have no provable effect in producing Water from the sky..

Similarly, the idea of 'praying' to a god for a particular request, has also statistically proven to have little effect on an outcome, not to mention the evidence to support a personified creator doesn't exist in any scientific way...rather it is often derived from ancient historical literary speculation and tradition.

Establishment Religion, in many ways, seems to be rooted in a perceptual misunderstanding about life's processes. For instance, it presents a worldview which often puts the human on a different level than other elements of nature. This 'spiritual ego' has led to dramatic conflicts for generations, not only between human beings, but inadvertently between us and the environment itself.

However, as time has moved forward, Science has shown how human beings are subject to the exact same forces of nature as everything else. We have learned that we all share the same atomic substructure as trees, birds and all other forms of life. We have learned that we cannot live without nature's elements... we need clean air to breathe, food to eat, energy from the sun, etc. When we understand this Symbiotic relationship of life, we begin to see that as far as 'relationships' are concerned, our relationship to the planet is the most profound and important. The medium by which this is expressed, is Science, for the Scientific Method has allowed us insight into these natural process, so we can better understand how we 'fit' into this life system as a whole.

This really could be called a 'spiritual' awakening i keep talking about
This realization, which has been proven by science, is that humans are no different from any other form of nature, while our integrity is only as good as the integrity of our environment, to which we are a part. This understanding presents an entirely different 'spiritual' worldview, for it forces the idea of interdependence and connection, at its core.

The interconnection of the whole of life is undeniable in the most basic sense, and it is this perpetual 'relationship' of total inter connectivity that is not fully realized by society overall. Thus, our modes of conduct and perception are largely out of line with nature itself... and hence destructive, and why we still are held in emotional prisons without bars, due to outdated religious beliefs, and the the constant threat that some omnipotent Being is sat in the clouds with his stone tablets which contain 10 things we should and should not do, and those silly enough to break anyone of these supreme commandments beware, as your arse hole will be in a perpetual state of Burning, pretty much like Being at a joint Elton John and Michael Barrymore party.. Scary thought indeed, but joking aside, completely defunct and unnecessary in a modern society.

Nature itself is or should be our teacher, and our social institutions and philosophies should be derived from this foundational and, invariably, 'spiritual' understanding.
The faster this spiritual awakening spreads, the more sane, peaceful and productive society will become and the less suffering,bloodshed, and suppression of our unique ability to be truly wonderful... That's what spirituality is all about, a collective consciousness which has zero do to with churches, mosques, or any part of a rigid belief system.... Be HAPPY, BE FREE, BECOME A MAGNET FOR POSITIVE ENERGY, FOR YOU WILL ATTRACT WHAT YOU GIVE OUT..




  1. Not just a witty writer i see. Very well written sir, and most impressive arguement.Liked that alot

  2. Classy material.Honestly. Wasted talent in my opinion, and should be making a living from writing, although i am being rather presumptious as i dont know if you do, or not?

  3. Good material. Fresh intelligent approach

  4. Liked that very much. Well written.

  5. Difficult topic to discuss. Was always told not to discuss religion or politics.
    Contraversial Blog,well written and funny as hell at times. Enjoy them alot

  6. The voice of reason, clearly demonstrated. Very good

  7. totally agree with your last sentence and very well written...more please on this topic!


I encourage healthy debate, so please tell me your thoughts and appreciate the feedback