Thursday, January 1, 2009

Palm Enders..Rule and regs of the homeless

Its here.. 2009 was ushered in by haze of firework smoke, and party's across the globe, although Elton Johns famous, or infamous new years eve soiree went off like a wet rocket, something to do with global recession, which upset the rocket man no end i hear..

Can you imagine being on the end of a tongue thrashing from old Reg Dwight..(Elton's real name if you're wondering).. What a diva, and before you start, I'm well aware of the inference that Elton, being a screaming iron, and the tongue lashing I'm sure he has both delivered and received during his illustrious life of a raging Queen, with a host of flamers across the globe..... Actually, Elton got off lightly on a previous blog about hairpieces i wrote, but ho hum, onwards and upwards...

OK, just a quick one today..


Is it just me, or have you noticed that the homeless of the world have all adopted this strange behaviour of shouting at anything and anybody, including fellow homeless, regardless of the fact that they are within a meter of each other??...

I know its very sad, and in a modern society, its a tragedy that we have people sleeping rough in doorways and squatting in other peoples homes... (Actually, if any homeless are reading this, 25% of the palm Villa's are unoccupied, with windows often left open, so may i suggest a quick read of squatters Rights, (the Dubai edition)..then take a few swimming lessons, then get yourselves over there and claim a piece of the 8Th wonder for yourselves)...happy days....for you and your 12,000 dogs which seem to be the standard fashion accessory to the homeless... Go on guys, get over there and ingratiate yourselves to the new rich.. Mr trapped Sparrow( remember him, and his leopard clad bikini wearing hare em will welcome you with open arms, or a Kalashnikov..

But really, is there a booklet which states you must shout incoherent thoughts, once removed from a fixed abode, or constantly fight with your fellow hobo's for no apparent reason whatsoever, and argue and fight, screaming abuse at your partner, who runs off, then runs back , only 2 seconds later repeating this groundhog day sequel until they collapse into a doorway, exhausted from this daily routine, with Carling extra strength used as cushions...

Maybe they shout because the barking of the loyal 10 or so dogs they all seem to have each has rendered there ability to hear null and void...... Can we put this down also as unexplained phenomena, with students who can buy class A's, like there 's no tomorrow, but don't have two pennies to scratch there arses with, or the belly button fluff which is a different color to the shirt you have worn all day...

And when will they stop insulting us with give us a pound so i can get into the night shelter..

No, be honest and tell me you want to buy beer and skunk weed, and i will give you double, but stop with the lies already... Take a leaf from our esteemed gentleman in the photo at the top...

I bet he is off his mash all day everyday, with a beer collection to rival threshers...

So.. note to self, must make a conscious effort not to insult public with downright lies, that way, i will get my money for special brew and mind altering substances, and the old lady i just spotted will get to keep her handbag....

Until the next time..



  1. Funny thing happened today, whilst shopping i watched exactly what you wrote unfold in front of my eyes. It made me laugh, when normally I would not have taken any notice.

  2. you are so right. I live in uk, and the homeless really do shout at anybody and


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