Saturday, January 10, 2009

Palm Enders.. Random thoughts...

its been a while hasn't it... I am spending the last few days in freezing UK, before rejoining you all on the Palm..

Tis Saturday, 10Th of Jan, 2009 and today i will share with you a few topics which have crossed my path and have been discussed with Friends/scholars/clinically insane/ET AL......

I will start with a scary meeting i had, by chance with an ex of mine from years gone by...
To say the years have treated her well would be a bigger lie than Bush and Blair invading Iraq on the back of weapons of mass destruction... Lying fucking toe rags, but will leave that for another day....

OK, back on topic, my Ex....... I bumped into her in a bar in the UK, and i mean literally, as she is fucking massive now, no joke, her arse cheeks were so big, each one had its own post code, and the only feasible way she gets her belt on, would be with a boomerang....

And the skin, poor girl, was worse.. It looked like she had a new job as a bee keepers apprentice, and get this, she used to be a Clearasil model back in the day.. Way back i know, but still... She was the hottest girl in town only 7 years ago, but the only hot thing now about her would be the 10 meals a day she must consume..


Second observation i want to mention..
Was watching a documentary on the TV about flood victims in 3rd world countries, and how the west sends aid, food, accommodation remedy's and clothes, and i saw some poor fella who had lost everything with a Little Britain T shirt on with a picture of Vicky Pollard on it with the words in huge letters
'' No but, Yes but, so shut up right''

Has this poor man not suffered enough, without the indignation of such cruelty.....Mental

Noticed before i left the palm that many girls had bought themselves a dog, in many differing sizes, shapes and color's... And, one pooch was actually being carried around in a fucking handbag.

Now, if you buy a dog, walk the fucker, don't take it for a carry , and for the record, Dogs, as i see it, do 4 things..

Sleep, Eat, shit and Fuck.. Girls, you may as well just dated a Frenchman.. Same traits exactly.
Will even dry hump your dinner guests

Now, to my main talking point.
This will offend know doubt, so any Royalists out there,read no further,although the accompanying picture would have given you a clue no doubt..

We are all guilty of this next observation,and that is this....On meeting someone famous, or powerful, or rich, we all to some extent compromise our own integrity and behave in a manner we wouldn't normally.... You know what i mean, all rich guys jokes are funny, if he's paying for the drinks and dinner, even if he the most boring turd on earth, and had a personality by-pass at birth.....tell me I'm lying!!!

So, even the most fervent, rabid , republican, on meeting the Queen forgets the opinion they have of her, and the feelings which have been harboured all those years whilst they spit venom and opinion across the pubs, bars, and get togethers, seem to dissipate on meeting the old Lizard..

I for one strongly oppose the divine right to rule through inherited genealogy, and a ruling bloodline family is an antiquated institution, which belongs in the museum, along with that other extinct species, the Dinosaurs, but even i would find it difficult on meeting her to point out that eye witness reports have seen her take a fly off the wall from 12feet, with a reptilian tongue, if peckish, because the child sacrifices under Balmoral Castle had not hit the spot, and i certainly would not ask her if its true she can shape shift between human and reptilian hybrid if it pleases one....

You see, even i am guilty of this pedestal treatment...
Until the next time, and hopefully i will be gleaning much scandal and gossip from the Palm on my return, so peoples, look out, the pen is mightier than the sword, and I'm a coming with my Mont Blanc and shield..


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