Thursday, August 25, 2011


Let me start by clearly stating that this particular blog will be spattered with a few humorous metaphors which will make my loyal readers squeal with delight, but in the main, this is a blog which needs to be taken seriously, if freedom, liberties and any type of prosperous future is to be enjoyed, and for those who are now rolling their eyes and muttering into their low fat skinny mocha-chinos there is nothing that lil ol me can do about it, then we are royally screwed, as its this apathetic attitude which is the greatest weapon of the Globalists, and you may think that appearing in a socialite magazine in a designer frock is the pinnacle of one’s existence so you can enjoy the short lived envy or praise from your equally insular social group defines your identity, but my friends, that is just ancillary nonsense, and you'd better get with the programme fast, if you want your children to enjoy any type of freedom whatsoever, so if you do it for anyone, do it for their future, the next generation who deserve civil liberties and God given rights of freedom of choice and free speech..

T'is Thursday, The 24th of August

The information war continues unabated, and we need to use the platform they created for their own ends against them, which of course is the internet. Social networking sites have become the bane of the Illuminati's existence as the free sharing of info has contributed to a new age of awareness which they will attempt to close down in the very near future, and its of paramount importance this is never allowed to happen, which will be a fight in itself as the blind public are led to the slaughter so easily and willing, I fear for this medium of exchange, I really do..

The sheeple have now become farmyard fodder. We walk, bovinesque into the slaughter house voluntarily as the Puppeteers tell us, ''Don't go out there in the fields, free to roam, there are cows out there trained by Al Queda roaming around who will terrorize and blow your udders off, so in you go to the industrial meat grinder and everything will be alright, resistance is futile, and you will be assimilated into borged beings under our control, before you can say Obama is a terrorist.''... And the scary thing is, in you go to get mangled and all without any type of self evaluation or opposition of what's right in front of your fucking noses...

At the head of the table, or so it would appear to the unknowing masses sits the lyrical laureate, the bank and big corporation owned coconut/puppet,Osama Borat Hussein ( I think that's his name;). The same man who recently cracked jokes during his Shite house correspondents dinner and was lauded by his army of cyborg supporters who are on his payroll, whilst 48 million Americans are eating cold soup via food stamps and sleeping in doorway.

Barack Obama for the record is the worst president in American History and he CONTINUES to make a mockery of the American people and his presidency.( Well, the truth is, he has no fucking influence whatsoever on any type of proceedings, and is merely an employee of wall street). There was no mention of the American dollar hitting a all time low this past week or the unofficial unemployment close to 20% in his speech to the correspondents, nope, it was all fun and games and jokes for the pre selected fraudulent Puppet..

The sleight of hand trickery Osama uses to take the spotlight off of his horrible presidency, is making the out of work American’s realize that the once “American dream” is finally dead. Osama has spent two years in office doing absolutely nothing but giving empty speeches and travelling the world, tongue fucking foreign leaders back doughnuts in a futile attempt to prop up the modern day Roman empire, and we are all aware of what happened to those loin cloth wearing barbarians as Rome burned

You will never hear President Barack Hussein Obama AKA the new world order puppet, give a straight answer on why the gas prices are going through the roof or the economic collapse of the USA is now inevitable and irreconcilable

His popularity has now dived to an all time low, and this uncle Tom, chicken rice and pea eating bounty bar will be cast aside without remorse and replaced with god forbid Sarah, ‘’my IQ is below room temperature’’ Palin, or any other puppet in chief who will tow the line and deliver the agenda written in the shadows by the real power who use pre selected politicians to do their bidding and are never elected by the farcical democratic voting process.


We have corrupt politicians and police forces running amok who have helped install this totalitarian fascist dictatorship which has been planned for centuries, that's right, centuries and the end game for these fuck wits is clearly in sight if we don't oppose it now.

My whole life I have had this scary intuition which forecasts upcoming events, both positive and negative, and let me tell you, my intuition is going crazy right now, and something huge, massive is going to happen.. I don't know what, but my spider senses are off the charts now and we are looking down the barrel of a very destructive weapon, and I do not spout this info freely to impress those that have not the insight to recognize pure evil, which has been literally invited into your living rooms by the way of slick snake oil salesmen who are employed solely to do the bidding of the wall street bankers and corporate America, but I do it for self preservation and for humanity who need to know this nefarious agenda before we are staring right into the eyes of an Orwellian nightmare we ourselves facilitated through our own ignorance and insulated lives.

Wake the fuck up and oppose this tyrannical regime or get used to taking it right in the back door, two fists at a time..

The lunatics have truly taken over the asylum, and the mad hatters are cackling like deranged hyenas as the cartoon cast below them run around like keystone cops who in turn chase the headless chickens, which are the sheeple, into passive submission. The United States epitomizes the sheer stupidity of mankind right now, as they are spoon fed complete fucking bullshit by the globalist owned media, and they eat that shit up like a fat fuck in an ice cream parlour.

The level of corruption is nothing less than staggering, and one has to only look at Libya for a beautiful example of doing a deal with the devil. In Reuters today, they admit that they have aided AL Qaeda operatives to attack Libyan government forces and to over throw Gaddafi.. These fucking US funded terrorists have openly admitted that yes, we have attacked and killed Americans, and we will do again, but first, we will take care of Mr Gaddafi for you.

Am I living in the fucking twilight zone here.. I know the Secret government agencies fund illegal wars and coup de tats through the illegal trade of narcotics. That's right, the CIA, NSA, MI5 among others, are the biggest drug dealers on this planet and the stupid fucking American public look to these spooks for redemption and saviour. I am sure if Obama told you that Charles Manson has started a baby and young child sitting service, you would be scribbling down the 800 number faster than Linford Christie making good his escape after wandering into a KKK convention by mistake.

How long are you going to put your faith in the suicide bankers, whose ethos is pure greed and corruption headed up by the deeply satanic anything but Federal reserve who are comparable to serial arsonists and are now asking congress for a box of matches and a tanker full or gasoline, and the fucking morons on the payroll on Capitol hill are asking.''Who do we make the cheque payable to!!''

We need to draw a line in the sand, right now and no longer accept being arse fucked by a small group of very disturbed megalomaniacs, whose sole intention is to depopulate this wonderful planet via a plethora of unsavoury vehicles, including a third world war, which will involve China, a eugenics movement via our food and water plus an attack on our children's health via vaccination programmes, and as a father myself who loves his daughter very much, this sickens me to my stomach..... This is your final wake up call.... Freedom or tyranny?? What’s it going to be?



  1. Thank you! Really well done, he-man.

  2. Bloody awesome post. Cheers

  3. You should be talking to sell out crowds, not sharing here to a handfull of people. Your message needs to be heard, loud and clear before it is too late.BRILLIANT READ

  4. Wasted talent mate. Like Jo said, you need a bigger platform to spread your knowledge

  5. Incredible looking and funny, with abrain as sharp as they come... Do you have any weakness?? So happy you are writing again..(Did not know you were a father or married???? )

  6. Very interesting and have long thought these same things, but not as in depth. The masses as you like to describe are to busy surviving or leading totaslly selfish lives they forget to educate themselves on the stuff you so expertly write about. Love your blogs

  7. Come on Tomas, I am waiting for another one of your observqations to make me laugh and give me food for thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i REALLY LIKE YOUR DELIVERY BY THE WAY. Its different, and fresh.

  8. :)... xxxx Thank you. You know why!!

  9. Care to share Anonymous?????lol

  10. Incredible blog with so much info.. Love it.

  11. Mr T!! Its lee o'brien from cardiff!!! you've dissappeared off facebook! Was thinking i havent spoken to you in a while!!! Email me da, let me know how you are doing!

  12. laughed and cried with terror at the same time. Very interesting man.

  13. Brilliant!!!! Simply. Why are you not writing anymore?


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