Thursday, June 4, 2009

Worried wealth & the trouble with money

Its obvious from today's title that the world has gone mad, when the wealthy of the world complain about having it hard, and struggling to come to terms with having gazillions of dollars at their disposal, but indeed they do, or so it would seem from the never ending barrage of articles which substantiate such an incredible statement.

Greetings readers, its 4Th of June, 2009 AD. and for me, that means After Domino's pizza which i have just consumed, and zero to do with that mythical being, who was anthropomorphised in the bible

for those with a limited IQ, or those of a lazy disposition, i have explained the meaning below
Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena., IE, in this case, of astrological symbolism

But the Humanoid form which was attributed to old JC, but based purely on a pagan ritual of the winter solstice and interplanetary phenomena.. OK, wont elaborate further on that, as it will take me 5000 words to do it justice, but for those genuinely interested in the story of Jesus, and many other prophets and saviors, may i recommend ZEITGEIST., THE MOVIE..(just tap it into google, and enjoy..and remember this, perplexity is the beginning of knowledge..AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE !!!.

OK, back to the topic at hand..The fortunate who are misunderstood..Lets take a deeper look into the world of the wealthy, and the troubles that associates itself to a privileged bank account.

According to a recent survey, which concurs with my own research, less than half of today's rich are content, and claim that wealth has not made them happy, in fact, a whopping 20percent of woman millionaires claimed their wealth had made them more unhappy and created more problems than it solved.(THERE'S A SHOCKER. Women are only truly happy when they have something to fucking moan Can you imagine a pre menstrual multi millionaire, with all that power and arrogance,Jeez Louisee, Fred and Rosemary West babysitting is less stressful...

It must be so hard, with multiple homes to keep and manage,staff to oversee and a flood of new bills to pay, from plumbers, interior designers, art restorers and jewelry advisers to gardeners and tennis coaches, whilst living in constant fear of losing it all on the financial markets, which has become a very real possibility, when these very markets are rigged and manipulated in such a way, and designed to gobble up your inheritance, or hard earned cash..

Levels of financial comfort are another area in which the Richistani's, and before you raise any eyebrows at my racist slurs, that word is not an elaboration or anything to do with Pakistani's who have made a few quid,through property, or corner shops etc etc, but a term coined to categorize the rich and fortunate, and its interesting to know that no matter how wealthy these people are, they do not feel secure and need double what they are worth. Ie, if you are worth 1 million the 2 million is the figure which is claimed to give them the security they need, and if a personal fortune of 10 million has been reached, then 20 million is the figure this particular group needs to be secure, so they chase deals or opportunity's one after another hoping one day to become top dog, awaiting the tranquility that never arrives.. I would call them greedy fucking bastards, and not richistanis, buts that's how i roll... So Share the wealth my good friend Rob(slice), and i will share the spiritual enlightenment, and evolvement of the soul through love and caring.. , This in essence is real giving, as you give little when you give of your material possessions.Its when you give of yourself, you truly give...A fair trade me thinks in this emotionally crippled world we live in..For those pearls of wisdom my long fingered friend, a 10% flat fee of your worldly income should suffice, and it saves you giving it to the church, or a home for senile cats..Deal???

So, all that worrying has made this elite bunch especially anxious, so much in fact, that they have started to form wealth support groups, who meet regularly for Breakfast around the posh eateries and hotels of which ever area they live in, BUT, and its a big but, almost like a j-LO/Kim Kardashian collaboration, and that's a fucking humongous Butt.., a seat at this particular table will cost you North of 1o million Dollars, which is the lowest entry point into these elitists support groups, where you can get advise and direction from your fellow peers on anything which is bothering you, from Hedge fund returns, stocks, private equity deals etc etc, but also on personal issues involving family, friends, wives, girlfriends, pretty much like an AA meeting where the new guy will stand up and announce his name to the group,who in return welcome him with a joint spouting of ''Hi'' followed by his name The guy then spills his guts about all and sundry, and i hear it can get quite emotional. Point in case. This new guy, lets call him Frank, confides that his relationship with his daughter has become strained and distant, as he dedicates the majority of his time to work and Golf, but now he wants to get it back on track..One of the learned elders of the group suggests he take her for breakfast every Saturday morning to re-connect.. (Did someone just ring for American Bullshit??)

The father took this miraculous advise and reports back that this amazing idea has transformed his relationship, and through many tears hugs this enlightened soul who suggested such a radical idea, and the whole room was crying, ''It was such a powerful moment'' Frank claims. I kid you not, these fuck wits who pay 30,000 dollars a year to sit around and discuss such fucking nonsense amaze me, and a fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the 1st place..Needless to say,this event took place in the good old US OF A..The bullshit capital of the world

If your interested Frank, I have some wonderful beach front land in Zambia for sale at a bargain price, and i will throw in some real gems to help you connect again with your dysfunctional family.(let me know).

Whilst you morons worry about which particular Californian Orange goes best with a particular Danish pastry, millions of innocent children are dying around the world through lack of clean drinking water.Check and reality are 2 words which spring to mind, but not necessarily in that order..So man the fuck up,wipe away those crocodile tears, and do some good with all that money, instead of paying 100's of thousands a year to elitist all male clubs which promote nothing other than a self fulfilling agenda, Use what common sense you were born with and make a difference.

I am neither wealthy, nor poor, but i have something which money cannot buy, and that is peace and Love, which i have in abundance, as i love and am loved freely by friends and family around me which i am eternally thankful for.. I will leave you with a thought of mine, if you spend your life worrying about money bringing you happiness, then your ability to be happy without it is rendered null and void. If you know how to spend less than you get, you have found the philosopher's stone..

Until the next time, keep smiling, be happy and evolve higher and higher....



  1. very true.So many rich people are miserable and grumpy.Need to appreciate what they have

  2. Once again, only as you could write. Funny, and informative. Love it

  3. I am wondering which Rob YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT..
    OXFORD.Funy stuff, never knew you were that articulate, but after reading a few of them, you are a talented writer.

  4. wonderful blog. Great message as well

  5. Like that Mr Tomas,as always, funny and interesting.

  6. Want to hear more on your views about Pakistan please and this new order you oppose so much.Your views seem to hold alot of water now.

  7. well craig, read my latest update from a blog i wrote in jan 09, and you will see how things have developed since then. Along with Blair heading up a new Europe, which was always the plan long before he stepped aside from the PM's job.. so so predictable, its funny, but not in the ha ha sense. Interesting times ahead let me tell you

  8. A damn good read, and funny to boot.


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