Saturday, May 30, 2009

Not tonight Darling, im sleeping.!!

Guess who's back?. C'est Moi!!!.
It's been a fair while since I last tapped the keys, so long in fact, I will have to check which topic I discussed..Ahh, yes, now I remember, I was very complimentary about our Russian friends.)


Well, tonight's subject matter has nothing to do with race, country, creed nor colour, but I think it deserves debating as it affects most of us, at some point in our lives.

As life gets ever more difficult, with the world’s economy in disarray, holding down or keeping a job becoming almost an impossibility, and life in general moving at a million miles an hour, time seems to just dissipate, and I truly believe that time is no longer what it used to be.

As we hurtle towards 2012, the vibrational frequency's we resonate on, and human evolvement has become quicker and faster to the point where the days, months and years, although still the same as they ever were, have gotten shorter and shorter. Now, I know that’s a bold statement, and one that Stephen Hawking could better explain, as long as he has his toy with him which he sticks in his neck whenever he needs to amaze us with his giant intellect, but one does not have to ask the most intelligent dalek on the planet to comprehend this fact, just ask anyone around you, and they will understand the concept very clearly.. Time is just not what it used to be, which brings me on to tonight’s discussion point.....

Has sleep become the new sex...

In a recent survey, which we brits just love to read and get involved with, suggested that 80 per cent of Britons, men included, would choose a good night's sleep over a night of passion, which if I am honest, does not surprise me.
Life, and especially married life, with Kids to look after, mounting bills to pay, uncertainty abound in the professional arena, and a whole list of mundane chores to fulfil, I’m not surprised that the bed has become very much a place to sleep and recover, than a place to rein act the Karma Sutra, Although it does surprise me that The old British male pride allowed himself to be honest enough to admit this, when 'for men it's still a matter of male pride to at least pretend to be a stud, who can bang away 5 times a night, and these days women are expected not only to be the perfect wife, mother and career woman but also a whore at bedtime who had better remember ‘’who her Daddy is’ whilst biting lumps out of the pillow case, but in fact are wishing it would all be over, so she can roll over and get some much needed recuperative shut eye.

But the truth is, we are just too tired to have a grope and engage in any type of sexual activity when the lights go out, we are all to fuck’d ,not literally of course, but we don’t have the energy after a normal day which included commuting to the office for 3 hours, fighting with the kids and wrestling them into their school uniforms which they moan about incessantly , cooking, shopping, or the worry of paying those ever mounting bills. Foreplay and sex is just not cost effective anymore, and the daily list of things to do has ‘’engage in fantastic sex’’ at the bottom, which is the 1st one to fall off in today’s modern world.

And on the rare occasion that the hormones of both parties are racing around like Michael Schumacher on speed, it’s quite a passion killer as one of your young offspring runs into the bedroom and asks ‘’what’s Daddy’s head doing buried between Mummy’s parted thighs’’. The creative juices needed to explain that away will dry up quicker than your disappointed partner’s most sacred body part.
All of the above is hardly the Aphrodisiac’s needed for a satisfying rumble in the hay so to speak, which is all quite ironic, as lack of sex can often be cited in divorce cases, and if you’re not fucking your husband, then someone else probably is, and guys, don’t think your Wife or girlfriend is sat at home when you’re out working. Your sex life may be a complete non entity within the marriage or relationship, and indeed sleep is the preferred option, but the excitement of the illicit affair supersedes all of the above reasons for not screwing your partner.

This brings me to growing phenomena called sex somnia where 1000’s of us are enjoying fulfilling sex whilst we sleep and the snoregasm is rapidly taking over from the orgasm, hence the half smile perpetually on the lips of your partner as he/she enjoys the sexual fantasy of choice during REM sleep..

At least dreaming about sex is better than actually falling asleep during sex with your partner which is also not as rare as you think..

On that sombre note, I will finish up by saying this. Find quality time with your partner to engage in this most wonderful of natures gifts, because on check out from this mortal coil I don’t know a person alive who would state that ‘’I wish i had slept more and had less sex’’

Until the next time, ‘’MAY THE PALM BE WITH YOU’’


  1. Geraldine ComptonMay 30, 2009 at 5:35 PM true!!!

  2. oh so true and very very amusing

  3. HA HA HA.. Are you married, or have been to be so insightful on this topic. Laughed out loud many times.

  4. Liking this blog.Wondered when you would be back.

  5. Angela, never been married, but part of writing observational comedy is having the ability to truly observe life.I do this with vigour and pay attention to detail, whilst asking questions which give me insight to things i have not experienced myself, but feel like i

  6. Witty fellow you are, with a poisoned pen. lol


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