Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mother Earth, Gaia, and the rise of the sacred Feminine..

Well, it's been a while since JT has put fingers to key board and expressed his often controversial views on a wide array of topics and subject matter, which some of you would no doubt be celebrating, and others, from my requests to start writing again, not so.. So, here we are again, inspired from a long lay off, having taken a sabbatical from the brutal summer sun of Dubai, for the skin friendly temperature of Gay Brighton in the UK, where i have been for the last 6 weeks, improving my Volley ball skills and just taking it easy, which for those who know me, will be screaming, " But you don't do fuck all anyway!".. Haters.!!! Don't hate the player, its the game you should be aiming your vitriol at ;)

Anyway, enough small talk, time for today's observation and JT666'S thoughts on the matter.

Greetings, T'is August the 12th, 2010.

Mother Earth, or Gaia for those of you who believe that she is a living, breathing, self regulating entity whose ability to sustain life whatever conditions are thrown at her, must therefore have a living consciousness.
( I wont get any more technical than that at this juncture, or many of my readers will be shrugging their shoulders and stating, "He's off on a rant again, and Being Paris Hlitons best friend starts in 2 mins,and one of the girls wears the most amazing wig, and need to know which shop it came from.. and I must paint my toe nails a shocking pink before tomorrow's brunch). Ok, bear with me, the Science lesson is over.!!

I refer to the planet as a 'she', because in my opinion, it cannot be of male persuasion due to the constant shit, provocation, lies, deceit and a endless line of both physical and emotional abuse she has to suffer, endure and tolerate, induced in greater part on her, by decisions and actions more often than not of the male gender... BUT, and here lies the rub, like any,under evolved male who is now nursing a broken heart can testify, when a Woman finally says "Enough!", that my sausage spanking friends is it, period!!with no going back.Sure, like any long suffering female, she will give you stark, repeated warnings and final reminders that all is not well and will not be tolerated for to much longer, and though that time period is relative depending on the emotional strength of the Female in question, one thing is certain, the time frame has a finality attached to it, its just a matter of Time!!
Pretty much like Gaia or mother Earth, who is now reminding humanity,"Keep pushing your luck and see what happens!"
For scalding looks, slamming doors, and a torrent of tears, read, Volcanoes, Earth quakes and huge deluges of rain resulting in land slides and basic carnage around the globe.

Alas, like the stupid male who continues to repeat history and refuses to change his ways within a lopsided relationship, as does Humanity who continues with provocation and emotional battery of this wonderful old Girl, who has seen this all before, many times, and will soon be drawing a metaphoric line in the sand with a simple statement.... "It ends here!"Step over this line and reap the whirlwind, and We'd better hold on good and tight to our nuts, because this aint no ordinary blow job on its way.The disgruntled old girl will produce a light show which will make the Palm Islands Firework display look like a wet box of matches going up..Getting the picture? and here is where it becomes amusing for me.
This planet we now stand on has been spinning around the Sun and existing within this galaxy for roughly 4 billion years, give or take a month, and a educated guess could confidently express she will still be here for another billion, or certainly long after anyone reading this can affect her survival.But in our arrogance believe we have it within our power to save her, Don't make me fucking laugh. Mis guided arrogance is something we excel in as a species..

Save her?. This experience we are all having right now is nothing more than residing on a particular level of consciousness, for a brief moment of time, in an inherited space suit or outer shell we call a body, for a time period akin to a blink of an eye in relative terms once again, and i am sorry to say this, but Humans will go down in history as a Fucking, meddling menace, a surface irritant, hell bent on destruction, greed and power, without the empathy and compassion needed to co exist in a peaceful manner.

I can only make a metaphorical comparison again here, but i see humanity as a dose of Thrush to Mother Earth, and the topical creams she applies to herself to purge the irritation comes in the way of Monsoons and other shows of extreme power which relieves the itching for a while, before the bad smell, irritation and general annoyance comes back with a vengeance.That's when more drastic action is required and a pessary or something stronger is necessary to eradicate this unwelcome visitor..For pessary, read Large cataclysmic event, along the lines of the Dinosaurs getting the red card and banished to the annal's of history, and consequently since then, a handful of "End of days"events which is a natural, cyclical and a cleansing operation of an ungrateful and greedy inhabitant, and the whole cycle starts all over again.

Now this is where it gets interesting. 2012... which is a date, unless you have been living under a rock, or happen to be one of the masses who believes the world rises and sleeps with the Sun, and i don't mean that all powerful giver of life to all things we purvey, i am talking about that guttural dog shit of a newspaper which masquerades as a source of valid information.For those of you in either camp, 2012 will mean the date has the number 2 in it , Twice, which is amazing ;)

For those who do know a little more, 2012 is a massively important date for a number of reasons, but mainly as a warning by intelligence( Mayan's, The Hopi Indians, The I ching, and no, that is not pronounced itching.!) far greater than what we possess today of impending change and a final warning that we'd better get with the programme, or else.I could write 1000's of words about 2012 and its possible ramifications for us, but will leave that for you to discover and interpret
If you are happy with the ways things are and care not to make it up to her, sit back, strap yourselves in and marvel at what a truly pissed off Female is capable of, and Men, heed this metaphorical warning, You'd better start understanding that the Female empowerment movement is here and gathering momentum, like a giant snow ball gathering size and speed as we hurtle onwards, and if you want to play a role as a species, I suggest developing a certain level of spirituality, embracing empathy, love, care and compassion, which will see you grow with her, not away from her.If not, reside to this simple fact.Divorce, separation, and a life alone, beating your meat stick watching Red tube or you porn, or moving to Thailand where you can buy an orgasm and female/she male company for a box of ping pong balls..Joking aside, we run the risk of becoming surplus to requirements, like the male worker bee, which is disappearing from nature faster then Usain Bolt running through the streets of Mississippi , followed by a load of Southern red necks with home depot white table cloths covering their larger than normal in bred Noggins, with a tyre in one hand and a box of matches in the other..

Right, I'm off to invent a Dildo which can mow the lawn, and listen without looking bored. I could be the next Bill Gates with that fucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '/;)

Until the next time,.. may the palm be with you


  1. Absolutely love it, and welcome back.Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Very enjoyable, funny, but also very true in what you say on a number of issues outlined. Great stuff

  3. You have some crazy ideas, but I still like to read them and they make me laugh out loud sometimes.

  4. Fucking classic.!!!!!!!!

  5. Really good topic and very enjoyed that, alot. great stuff, and give us lots to think about

  6. Welcome back mate.Missed your blog alot, and a corker this one. i lauhed loudle as well many times.

  7. My god, i cannot imagine how long i have waited for your return, and i checked daily until my heart missed a beat when i saw a new blog. Please dont stop the blogs for that long,and i must say, it was as good as ever, and i really love your ability to discuss so many topics with wits and knowledge.... Are you still coming toSouth America soon....


    Welcome Back My Friend.

  9. Very impresive, and funny as fuck. I hope she does not teash us a lesson before i Another 50 years or so.???

  10. best ever in my opinion. Funny stuff and serious messages

  11. Simply Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Realy good stuff, and great comparisons between men and women and the earth. like that

  13. I laughed so much and also frowned at times at the seriousness of what you wrote. Brilliant.

  14. That Thomas was your best so far by a mile in my opinion, but that topic is right up my alley

  15. Pure joy and entertainment.wonderful


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